Part 6- Goodbye love!

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Hey guys!

It's been a while since I last updated so here you go, 

Pic. above is what Jaz is wearing to the airport, just a little disclaimer: 

I do not own any of the pictures/videos posted in this story, ENJOY.

One last thing this chapter is dedicated to my dear friends: @sanji_1D and @mariefaroosh


Jasmin's POV:

" So kids, what did you decide?" Mom asked

" Yes, we are eager to know your decision," Aunt Rima gave us a hopeful smile.

" Well, mom, Mrs. Silverton, we have decided not to get married" The moment Hamza pronounced those words I heard gasps and felt everybody's eye on me.

" Is that what you also think sweetie?" Asked uncle Done.

" Uncle, I do not think we are right for each other. We don't agree on almost everything and our personalities are very different. So, I believe that the best thing to do is to move on with our lives." I have to admit that my heart tugged at my own words. It is like, even, I don't believe me.

Aunt Rima took a deep breath and said" Okay, I understand what you mean. Although, I don't agree with you at all." I could see the tears forming in her beautiful eyes as she spoke.

" Aunty, don't cry, please!" OMG, I went and hugged her. I looked at my parents. They didn't say anything until now and that scared me. I hate being the reason behind their sadness. I see dad giving me a supportive smile and my mom

looking at the ground, obviously hiding her tears too. I leave aunt Rima's and go to my mom's, I held her hand and said:" Mom, please don't do this. Please don't cry it's for the best, trust me."

" It's okay, I just really wanted to see you two get married," she said trying to hide her broken voice.

" Come on now Nadia, Rima stop crying, if the kids think that it's not going to work then we can't force them into a marriage that will not work and might end with a divorce, we wouldn't want that now do we?" My dad said, he has a gift of convincing people. I don't know how but it seems to work as both moms nod in agreement.

" I also have some great news to tell you guys!" I kind of squeaked from excitement.

" And what is that?" Dad said

" I got offered to be the head of the department of physiotherapy, INDOCTORDRAKE'SNEWHOSPITALINTEXASNEXTWEEKONMONDAY" Hamza's eyes were on me and that made me feel nervous.

" You got offered to be head of the department? That's great congratulations Jaz, you deserve it baby" My mom forgot all about the marriage right now.

" In TEXAS?" My dad added clearly not pleased.

" What? Texas?" Mom questioned.

" Dad," I got interrupted by an angry Hamza: " Congratulations!" his looks said that he really didn't mean it, and he stormed out the room. Why is he acting all moody on me; one second he doesn't care and the other he gets mad because am moving out? WTH is wrong with him?

" Thanks, anyways, dad the hospital is in Texas and it is in a really good area and everything will be provided for me. I don't have to look for an apartment or anything." I said trying to convince him. I know it will be hard for him to let me go as I am his only child. " I will be coming every week-end to visit."

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