Part 23- Roses are red.

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                Jasmin at work ⬆️

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Jasmin at work ⬆️

'Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.' - unknown.


Jasmin's POV:

I woke up at 7 this morning to a message from Hamza, it said:

' Good Morning, I miss you and am sorry!"

I sighed and put my phone to charge. I went to the bathroom to get ready to go to work. I felt like putting some work into my appearance today so I put on some extra makeup and put on my skinny jeans and a pink off-the-shoulder t-shirt. I put my hair in a double braid and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

" Good morning mama," I said kissing her cheek.

" Morning sweetie,"

" Why are you awake I could have made something myself," my mama is the best.

" I thought you might want a special breakfast today since you'll be moving out, much to my dismay if I may add!" she gave the disapproval look.

" Mama you know it's easier for me to get to work from my apartment,"

" I know but I'll miss you," she gave me a fake sad face and I laughed.

" Yeah yeah yeah!"

" Come on eat up and leave before you're late," she said pointing to the cup of coffee and scrambled eggs she made me.

" Okay mom,"

I ate and then left for work. The day went on at work smoothly. In my break, I decided to go to costa to get myself a cup of coffee. I grabbed my wallet and made my way to the door.

" Hi Barbo, what's new?" I asked the waiter at Costa.

" Hi Jaz, nothing new. You know still waiting for you to take me!" he gave me a wink.

" Oh, will you shut up. If your wife hears you, you'll be in big trouble." I laughed. Barbo is almost 35. He's a hot blondy with huge muscles. He's married to the cutest woman I have ever seen. Her name is Serra. She's so sweet and caring.

" You know she loves you! "

" Oh! I know. If I were her I would whip your flirty butt!"

" Oww, you love me too much! Anyways what can I you today?"

" Took you long enough," I laughed, " I would like a caramel mocha please,"

" Yes, ma'am," he bowed and so did I. I swear people were looking at us as if we escaped from a mental hospital.

A few minutes later, I got my coffee and left. As I entered the hospital, Matilda gestured for me to go to her.

" Hey Matilda, what's up?" I greeted my over excited friend here.

" Hi Jasmin, you got something and I left it in your office! Enjoy!" she said and gave a toothy smile.

" Alright! Thank you Mati," I smiled at her. I wonder what I got. I didn't order anything lately and even if I did I wouldn't get it delivered to the hospital. I better check.

I opened the door to my office and got greeted by the biggest bouquet I have ever seen I real life. It had all red roses with some white ones. Just the ones I like. I quickly looked for a card or something to know who sent them but nothing. It made me really happy to get something like this for the first time. I put them on the chair and went to my desk to call Matilda and ask her if she knew who sent them.

" Umm... Matilda? Do you know who sent those roses?" I asked.

" I don't know a name, but he's here asking if you'll let him into your office? Do I show him where?" I could imagine her smirking.

" Alright, let's see who this mysterious guy is. Show him the way please and thank you!" I suddenly felt nervous. I mean who did this man?

I few minutes later, I heard a soft knock on my door.

" Come in," I said loud enough for him to hear it.

" Hi," he said with a sexy voice. Hamza. I was shocked at first. I kept staring at him absorbing the shock.

" H...hi," I said and smiled awkwardly.

" How are you?" he said eyeing me carefully and making his way towards the chair.

" I am doing well. You?" I said with a soft smile. I feel like we're acting like some love struck teenagers.

" I am, also, doing okay. I guess." He whispered the last part.

" Good," I nodded.

He sighed and looked at me. I could see how sorry he was in his eyes. His were dull and lost the sparkle that was in them.

" Jasmin, I don't want us to be like this. I love you way too much and I can't let you go." He said holding my hands over the desk.

" You know you will not gain my trust with a bouquet right?"

" I know. I just wanted to see a smile on your face. That's all,"

" Well, thank you! I love them," I smiled and so did he. Some of the sparkle came back to his eyes as he smiled at me.

" I would do it everyday, if that's what it takes for you to go on a date with me," he said hopefully.

" Hhhhhh, Good try." I laughed enjoying seeing him actually trying to get me back.

" It's worth the try," he laughed. I looked at my watch and decided that I had to go to the next physiotherapy session.

" Well, I have to go see some patients now. Thank you for the roses, they're beautiful." I said standing up. He followed.

" I am glad you liked them, take care of yourself" He said and left. This is where I realized how much I miss being around him. Sighed and went on with my day.

When the working day was over, I headed to my parents' house and gathered my stuff. I, then, went to my apartment and started the cleaning journey. By the end of it, I was dead tired so I took a quick shower and went to sleep. I missed this bed.


what do you think will happen next?

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take care lovelies.

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