Part 3 - Oh No!

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Hamza's POV:

It has been two weeks since I met Jasmin, but I can't seem to shake her image off of my mind just yet. Her body not so curvy but just enough to make a man go mad, and her Arabic big dark brown eyes just send you to a different world. And her li...

" What do you think Mr. Done? " yet again my thoughts were interrupted by one the workers.

" Let me think about it and I'll let you know what my decision is! " I thanked God at that moment because I had the documents that explain what he was talking about.

" Okay sir, have a good day," he said

" Thank you," I said. I always had a benevolent attitude towards the workers who respected me and most importantly did their job right.

I gathered my things and went out the door. I have a doctor's appointment today regarding my foot. I have had an accident in my previous job about 7 months ago and my foot has been taking its sweet time to heal. Not that I can't walk or anything, it just pains me when I move it suddenly or at the gym.

" Do you want me to postpone today's meeting till tomorrow sir?," Said my assistant.

" No, I'll be back on time, " I said and went to the elevator.


Finally, I reached the hospital. New York is pretty amazing but when it comes to traffic it is the worse.

" Can I see Doctor John, please? I have an appointment." I told the receptionist. She's very pretty I must say and from her eyes, I can tell she thinks the same of me too.

" Of course, this way please, " she said with a huge smile on her face.

" Thank you, sweetie " a little bit of flirting never hurt anyone.


" Mr. Done I am going to have to send you to our physiotherapist Ms. Silverton," that name sounds familiar.

" Yes sure," I said shrugging the feeling off.

" Okay, why don't I give you her office number and you can go set up your first appointment with her since you are here?" he suggested.

" Sure why not?" I would rather fix it now and get it over with.

" Alright then, second-floor office number 44"

" Great thanks," and I was off to find this specialist.

Finally, I reach office no 44.

What my eyes saw left me surprised...

I knocked, as she was too busy with some papers.

" Come in please!" she said every so sweetly.

Ehm! No matter how much I try she just seems to know how to get me ready to kill someone. I mean what kind of professional person answers the door without bothering to even give the person a glance.

Jasmin's POV:

"Come in please!" I said not being able to break my concentration from the paper-work I have to do.

"EHM!" the person said as I almost lifted my head, rude much I wanted to say but I kept it to myself.

OH NO, Ya Allah not him please I prayed with my eyes stuck to the person in front of me.

Jasmin, just play it cool.

" Yes? How can I help you Hamza?" his name blurted out of my mouth before I could stop it.

" Ms. Silverton Dr. John sent me to you concerning my foot!" I could see annoyance beaming out of his eyes.

" Okay tell me what's wrong with it?" I said giving him the same attitude he gave me.

" Well long story short, I went through a small accident seven months ago, and my foot still gives me a hard time." He explained, not looking angry for the first time.

I was quite surprised.

" Did your doctor take an X-Ray of your foot? "

" Yes, he did!" He said.

" Alright then, you can go take an appointment from Sasha at the reception! " I replied.

" You could have told me that from the beginning, I have other things to do you know!" He said bitterly.

Deep breath Jaz, Deep breath. I closed my eyes for about 2 seconds. Then looked at him in the eyes and plastered the fakest smile on my face and said, " Have a good day Mr. Done!" and rolled my eyes immediately.

The good news is that I was stuck with him for at least a month. Great and please do note the sarcasm.

The last thing I want to do is stay with a traitor in the same room for half an hour. The best part is that the touching is going to be super weird.

Anyways I have to go pray in my usual praying place.

As I am walking there I could see Hamza smiling flirtatiously with Sasha. So I chose to take that road for a change. Not that I want to listen to them or anything. But change is good for one's health. Right?

" Okay Honey call me I'll be waiting," He said as his eyes made contact with mine.

Ignore him Jaz. He does not exist.

I made my way to the prayer room silently.

I feel really sorry for his wife to be. The poor girl will go through A LOT! 


Here you guys go! 

I tried to upload as fast as possible since I have time now!

Enjoy! and let me know what you think 

Have a good day/night lovelies <3

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