Chapter One: This Is Who I Am

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My Name is Lucy Heartfilia, Lucy Heart for short. I was raised in the Redoah Castle since I was born. They always made me wear dresses that were too tight, and uncomfortable. I had to learn which fork or spoon to use correctly at the dinner table or I would get yelled at by my Dad. I was never good at being a princess. One night when I was supposed to be in bed, I took a walk. I just couldn't sleep that night. Something was on my mind. I walked to the bridge by the river. On my way back from the river I saw two men practicing their swordsmanship. I was mesmerized. At that moment I wanted to pick up a sword too and fight. I was only nine at the time.

I'm sixteen years old now. Next year I'll come of age and have to find a suitable husband... I asked my Dad about becoming a knight and he thought I was joking. But I wasn't. So I asked the two men that often came there, to teach me swordsmanship. They gladly did. But I think it was only out of respect because I was the princess of the Redoah Castle. I'm still grateful to them. They died in battle a few years ago. One day my Dad saw me practicing alone. He was beyond angry at me. He told me about how princesses are supposed to be the ones to protect, not the ones protecting. But I didn't understand the problem and I still don't. I'm protecting the people that I care about. And the people who care about this kingdom as much as I do. So why can't I pick up a sword? I don't want to hide in a secret area so the ones who are fighting for the kingdom all die. I want to help. But that never got through my Dad's head. I told my Mom and she supported me. But she couldn't per-sway my Dad to let me carry a sword around, or practice. He doesn't even know I still use a sword. But now I have to practice at night when he's not around. He has become ill so he goes right to his dorm for the night around nine. This gives me about five hours to practice on my own. But this won't keep up. My Dad will see me practicing sooner or later. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed the sword he took from me is gone. The one my Mom secretly gave back to me.

But as a Princess I love and respect this kingdom. But I refuse! I refuse to watch everyone protect it for me and not do anything to help! It doesn't seem fair. I live in the Redoah area as well. So just because I'm a princess, doesn't mean I'm going to sit on the side lines and watch everyone fight for me! I want to fight my own battles. Even if I die along the way. At least I know I fought for something, and it wasn't just for me. For me that's a good enough reason to give my all and fight to the very end. But I don't think I'll ever not hide the truth from my father.

"Lucy my dear? What's on your mind?" My mother asked.

I quickly stopped swirling my beef soup and made sure my hand was no longer on my cheek. I sat up straight and looked at my Mom.

"Nothing, just thinking," I responded.

"But that means something is wrong by the looks of it," my Mother said.

"I just...-"

"Honey may you pass the salt?" My Father asked.

"Of course dear," my Mother replied.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

I wasn't really looking for an answer. I just got up and pushed my chair in. Usually the maids take our plates and clean them. I hate that. I want to do it myself. Even if I might dislike it. I never washed a dish in my life.

I headed to my room. I really wanted to read the letters my best friend Levy sent me from the Village.

"Good night Princess Lucy," my guard Daryl said to me as I entered my bedroom.

"Goodnight Daryl! Could you tell anyone who is about to enter my room, that I don't want company? Just so I won't be disturbed? I asked.

"Certainly," Daryl replied.

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