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Mercedes POV
Yass bitches!! I'm 9 months and I'm ready to pop any time soon! My stomach as grown and even though I waned it badly, I hate. It makes me so tired and want to eat more.

Romeo and I have finally moved in with each other. Raymond and I have gotten real chosen also. He's just so cute and adorable and reminds me of Romeo so much, the double trouble.

Our gender? We found out that we were having a baby boy! I'm literally over the moon and cannot wait. When Raymond found out, his reaction was to die for. He started to jump around and cheer. He picked out mostly everything for our sons room.

"Romeo!" I shouted through the house.

"Why you shouting for?" He came into the living room munching on some snacks.

"So yous ain't gonna give me some?" I folded my arms, well at least I tried to.

"Listen, you gotta stop eating so much. You gonna make my baby chubby!" He said as I laughed.

"Shut up! That won't happen stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, I been reading this website. Like for making babies and stuff. I thought maybe our sons name could start with an 'R', like you an Raymond." I shrugged.

"I don't really mind." Was all he said.

For a couple of weeks, Romeo has just been on his phone. If I'd ask him something, he's sometimes not reply back.

"Can you put the phone down?!" I snatched it from his hand.

"What the fuck mane?!" He shouted.

"Your always on that phone, every single time!" I shouted back.

"I should've just gone out with the guys, you even lucky I stayed with your stubborn ass!" He got up and walked out of them living room.

I rolled my eyes and tried getting up without any assistance.

I wobbled slowly up the stairs until I made it. I was close than ever to my due date and I wanted this baby out.

"Where you going?" I asked Romeo who was getting ready.

"Out." He simply said.


"Out with the guys, I'm meeting them up." He wore his Rolex.

I shook my head and removed my clothes.

I could feel his eyes looking at my body, my fat body. I sighed and just began to cry, my hormones were getting the best of me.

"What's wrong?" He came over to me.

"I'm so fat...!" I cried.

"You ain't fat. You beautiful in my eyes, your perfect in the right places." He kissed my neck.

I wiped my tear and nodded my head.

"I want my body back." I frowned.

"Stop crying Cey." He kissed my forehead.

I grabbed my maternity robe and put it own. My other silk one doesn't fit because of this stomach.

"I'll be back, ight." He looked at me.

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

He walked out of the room.

I went into Raymond's room and found him asleep on the floor.

"Come here baby boy." I carried him and placed him on his bed.

After doing so, I began ironing his clothes and folded them.

I then went into the kitchen to search for some food, I was feeling hungry.

Romeo POV
I laid in bed with my head behind me and my eyes were closed. I opened them and saw Nikki.

Nikki and I have only been doing this for 2 months and I know it's wrong. Being cheated on is the worst thing and for me to be doing it to someone else is even worse. She'd always come to the club in my office and we'd just chill.

"Shut the fuck up!" She yelled into the phone.

"Nikki, if you mind, I'm trynna' do my damn work!" I raised my voice.

She cut off the phone and rolled her neck.

"Why you getting so angry for? Wifey hasn't been on it, huh?" She smirked and sighed.

"Nikki, get out mane!" I stood up.

She walked towards me and pushed me back down on my seat.

"Let's see if you still remember how good I am. Maybe wifey'll learn something." She cackled quietly.

Truly and honestly, I tried pushing her off of me but, I miss the Nikki used to work her magic.

"What's wrong?" She laid beside me.

Whenever I'm with Nikki, I'm always thinking about Mercedes. All this shit I'm doing is out of order. I just ain't good at keeping females or keeping my relationship on point. It's mostly me to cheat always and they end up leaving.

I quickly got up and put my clothes on.

"What the fuck?! Where you going Romeo?!" She got up and followed me around.

I didn't say shit but leave her house.

I need to go back to Cey and treat her to get my mind off of things.

Honey POV
"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Mercedes screamed.

"I-I don't know Cey." I rushed around her hospital room.

I paced around the hospital room calling Romeo whilst Cey was screaming and crying.

Cey was in labour and Romeo wasn't here yet. We've tried calling him many times but he hasn't been picking up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"ROMEO?! WHERE THE FUCK YOU AT?!" I instantly shouted through the phone.

"Damn H, calm yo' ass down!" He smacked his teeth.

"Ahh..!" Mercedes shouted and cried.

"Who that? Mercedes? She okay?" He asked.

"How am I supposed to call down if she's in labour?! Where the fuck are you Romeo?! We've been trying to call you!" I shouted.

"Shit..! I'm on my way." He said then hung up.

I went over to where Mercedes, Major and Eddie was, their friend.

"You okay Cey?" Eddie asked.

"No, I want Romeo." She cried.

"Romeo's coming." Eddie's girl Tawana spoke.

"Has the father arrived yet?" The doctor came into the room.

"No." I sighed.

I had a small feeling that Romeo was gonna mess up, he always does.

"Then I'm afraid we're gonna have to start withou-.".

"I'm here! I'm right here!" Romeo busted through the doors.

I folded my arms and shook my head.

He went over to Mercedes and kissed her cheek.

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