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Romeo POV
Mane! For Mercedes to have caught me in the act, a nigga was dumb right now! I don't know what to do. I keep on messing up. Yeah, grams is right. I can't keep one single girl, I'm a cheat.

I don't know what I'm gonna do. Cey's already kept me from seeing my son.

"You what?!" Grams screamed.

"Grams, you heard me the first time ight!" I held the glass cup in my hand.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm such an idiot." I put my head down.

"You really are." Honey spoke.

"D'you love Nikki?" Major asked.

"No, I never have." I shook my head.

"D'you love Mercedes?" Tawana asked.

"Yeah, she's my everything.".

"Then why do you keep on messing up Romeo?" Honey questioned.

"You don't know how it feels to see the girl that you lost it with, had your first kiss with and moved in with." I looked at them all.

"Your first love is Major, H. If you was to be with another man and you saw Major, what would you do? Ignore him?".

She didn't say shit..

"But that's twice now Romeo." Eddie mentioned.

"She isn't gonna be able to trust yo' ass no more." He added.

I stood up and threw the glass cup on the wall.

"Don't be coming up in here throwing my damn cups! You pay for it?!" Grams shouted.

I don't know what I'm gonna do, I just don't wanna lose my family.

Mercedes POV
I banged on his door until he came over and opened it.

"What the fuck mane?!" He smacked his teeth.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on in." He motioned for me to come inside.

I walked inside this small house.

It was cute and nicely decorated. Walking into the living room, it was nice and warm. I noticed a picture of a little girl on top of the fireplace.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That's my niece, Liliana." He smiled at the picture.

"Anyways, what did you want to talk about?" He sat beside me.

"What do I do? I went to talk things out with Romeo but I found him in bed with another girl." I wiped my tears.

"Oh shit, my bad ma. C'mere." He pulled me into a hug.

"Listen, that nigga ain't worth it." He said.

"You deserve better." He added.

"Like?" I sniffed.

I pulled away and just looked at him.

Man, this guy was so fine in the right places.

Right now, he was shirtless and was in his shorts. His tattoos sat perfectly on his chocolate chest. His dreads were all up and he had his grills on.

I slowly grabbed his face and leaned in.
Winter POV
"How did it go?" I smirked.

"She caught the both of us on top of each other. Literally, she came in and was so shocked and broke up with him too." Nikki sat down and joined me for dinner.

"Oh my gosh Nikki, you are such a big help!" I grinned.

"I know I am." She flicked her hair.

I handed her a envelope full of money.

"But, you do know you can't have him, right?" She placed it in her purse.

"What you talking about?" I furrowed my brows.

"I said, you can't have him. You've got a baby with a whole different man. The only person that can have him is Nikki Wilson and I'm back bitch!" She slid her shades on.

My mouth opened a little as she swayed her hips side to side walking out of the restaurant.

That little Spanish bitch better watch the fuck out!

Nikki POV
It was all a part of my little plan. I get to know Nikki, fuck Romeo and get her money. The next stage is to get Derrick to mess with Mercedes. Once Romeo finds out, he'll come crying to me and we'll mess around then, he'll be all mine.

Nikki Hunter..? Sounds nice, doesn't it?

Getting inside my Ferrari, I drove down to Romeo's club. Time to get my little sorry act on.

I walked inside the club and called for his name.

"Romeo?" I called.

I walked up the stairs to his office.

He was just there focusing or daydreaming.

"Erm..Romeo?" I walked carefully.

"What d'you want?" He snapped outta his thoughts.

"I erm..just stopped by to apologise." I sat in the seat.

"Whatever. You fucked up my relationship." He continued working.

"I'm sorry, I'll even talk to her if you want." I suggested.

"There's no point. I ain't getting her back, so I'm just gonna stop trying." He got up and walked out.

I really do feel sorry for him.

I'm so ungrateful and so thoughtless. I ruined my mans relationship. I hate seeing him getting hurt but now, he got hurt by me.

"I'm just gonna back off." I said to myself.

Mercedes POV
"Why you been avoiding me Mercedes?" Derrick followed me around the building.

I didn't say nothing.

"Look, last night didn't mean anything. It was only a kiss, I was caught up in the moment." I sighed.

"Well, it did mean something to me Mercedes. You kissed a nigga, yeah Imma start feeling a type of way. You done messing with a nigga?" He asked.

I walked off to the kitchen for my break.

The kids didn't mean shit. I was upset and needed somebody at the time. So, I went to Derrick. The only person that I thought would understand me. It was only one kiss and that's it.

"I-I'm sorry." I pulled off.

I instantly thought of Romeo.

We may not be together, but I still love that man. I did say it's over but I don't wanna hurt him too.

"Whatchu' sorry for ma?" He held my hand.

I let go off his hand got up.

"This kiss was nothing, sorry." I walked out of his house.

Now he thinks I got feelings for him.

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