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YOU QUIETLY OPEN THE DOOR TRYING NOT TO MAKE ANY NOISE. You were trying to sneak out of the house to go see your best friend/crush Jughead.

Unfortunately you fail and the door makes a loud screeching sound. Suddenly the lights flicker on in the kitchen, you slowly turn around to see your brother Archie standing behind you.

You flash him an innocent smile. You knew you weren't getting out of this one. Archie has always been protective of you, you knew you would have to tell a lie to get out of trouble. Even though you hated lying to Archie, you were quite good at it.

"Where the hell do you think your going." Archie whispers angrily, "I'm going over to Ronnie's place, she's going through some family issues." For a moment you thought he actually believed you and you would get away with it.

But then your phone lights up, revealing a text message from Jughead that read: hey you almost here? You quickly respond saying: sorry got caught by Archie, be there soon.

You look up and see Archie standing over you furious. "No way you are not going anywhere with Jughead." You sigh disappointed, he knows you and juggie are best friends, and nothing he says will ever change that.

"Tell me something Archie what happened between you and juggie why are you guys so mad at each other?" You ask, every time you've tried to ask Archie or Jughead about it they always shut you down.

Archie opens his mouth to say something but is at a lose for words. "I'm going Archie you obviously have no good reason to be mad at him" you say. You start to walk out the door but before you leave you turn around and say one last thing to Archie.

"Maybe instead of dwelling on the past you two should talk and work things out so you can be friends again?" You walk out before you could hear his response, because you had already made juggie wait long enough.

You arrive at the drive-in where Jughead told you to meet him. But there is no sign of him, suddenly the light on the storage room turns on. You slowly walk toward it, You turn the door knob and see Jughead sitting on a small bed. Once he sees you he jumps up and pulls you into a tight hug.

"I was getting worried, is everything ok with archie?" He asks seriously, you chuckle in response "ya everything's fine thanks.... What is this place?" You ask looking around the room, you see some clothes scattered on the floor, and also some posters on the walls.

"This is my home." He says he looks down ashamed, You walk over to him and pull him into a hug. "I love you (Y/N)" he says softly, you feel a smile grow on your face. "I love you too juggie" he sighs, pulling off his hat then running his finger through his hair.

"I mean I love you, more than a friend" he says anxiously, you grab his arm pulling him so he's facing you. You take a step forward closing the gap between the two of you, "I know jug- I love you too, more than a friend." You both stand there smiling like idiots.

Suddenly he places his hand on your cheek, and leans down. You both close your eyes at the same time, then feel you lips brush against each other, he pulls back deciding to tease you a bit. You get tired of his teasing and pull him into a rough, but passionate kiss.

Jughead lifts you up, while you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you over to he bed, where he gently lies you down... You pull him closer to deep the kiss. You tug in the side of his shirt, you pull away taking a breath while Jughead takes of his shirt.

You pull him down so he can lie down beside you. You give him a quick peck on the lips, then snuggle next to him. You bury your head into his bare chest, you feel his hands roaming you body.

You both fall asleep, both with smiles in your face. You couldn't care less about your fight with Archie earlier, you felt bad leaving him at home worrying about you. But right now that didn't matter. The only thing that you cared about was you and Jughead.

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