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AS I WALK DOWN THE HALLS OF RIVERDALE HIGH SCHOOL I GET STRANGE LOOKS FROM PEOPLE. Which is fair considering I'm the new girl, and I'm use to it. My family moves quite often, because of my dad's job.

I take the time to observe my surroundings, you could tell it was an old school that hadn't been redone for a while. I decide to go to the bathroom to fix my hair, its not easy having brown curly hair. As I walk into the bathroom there are two girls standing by the mirror gossiping, but the one that catch's my attention is the red haired girl, with bright red lipstick.

I could almost immediately tell that she was the popular girl, the mean girl, the girl everyone fears. For what reason I don't know why, but I didn't want to start drama on my first day of school so I just continued to fix my hair. "Who may you be?" the red-headed girl asked curiously, obviously being intrigued by me, the new girl.

"Hi im Tara" I say extending my hand for her to shake, but instead she looks at it in disgust. I slowly put my hand back down to my side, she looks up at me with the fakest smile I've ever seen. "The names Cheryl. Cheryl Blossom, you may have heard about me" she says, I nod my head, oh I've definitely heard about her...none of it was good. "And my brother, quarterback of the football team-" "Jason Blossom" I say, I've heard about this whole family. 

Her smile falls for a second, suddenly she shakes her head and there's another smile on her face, but this one was different it was full of... hate. "you've meet him?" she asks anger in her voice, I shake my head "like I said before I've heard about your family." I say before walking out of the bathroom.


I was struggling to open my locker, when suddenly there was loud cheering coming down the hall. I turned my head to the left to see an bunch of boys wearing blue and gold letter-men jackets. I turn back to face my locker, still struggling to open it. When suddenly one of the boys, came up to my locker. "need help?'' he asked, I nod my head 'yes' I noticed he had the same red hair as Cheryl.

"I had this locker last year, you just got to-" he explains, then suddenly hits the locker with his fist, making it magically open. I jumped back startled at the sudden noise, he looks down at me with a wide smile, then extends his hand for me to shake. "I'm Jason Blossom" he says while shaking my hand, "I'm Tara, I think I met your sister today, Cheryl?" I ask, he laughs while nodding his head "Oh I feel bad for you".

I look at him confused, he notices my confused expression and explains more "Cheryl can be...difficult sometimes" he says pointing behind me, I turn my head slightly to see Cheryl staring at me and Jason with a cold, hard look on her face.

"Maybe we could hang out sometime, get to know each other?" He asks with a hint of nervousness in his voice, I nod my head "ya I would like that." I say "great tonight at pops 8!" He says before waving goodbye. I had heard all the terrible things about his family, but when I talked to Jason he was nice, and sweet. Something I wasn't expecting.

I grabbed my books from my locker then headed down the hallway to my next class, walking past the Blossom twins I heard Cheryl whisper something about me to Jason, "you really asked her out, I mean look at her JayJay, she so-" Cheryl starts to say with disgust in her voice but Jason quickly cuts her off by saying "she so...beautiful."

The rest of the walk to class I had a blush on my face, still thinking about what Jason had said about me. Behind the red hair and smile, I saw hurt and pain. I found that intriguing, and wanting to know more about Jason Blossom.

I was dancing around my room listening to my favourite song trying to figure out what to wear on my date. I was wearing a black floral romper, with a jean jacket and some white converse. I also straightened my hair, which took a good hour and a half. I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:45 and realized that I had to go if I didn't want to be late for my first date with Jason.

I arrived at the diner and saw Jason sitting in one of the booths, I walked over to him as he stood up to give me a hug, which I returned. "What can I get the two of you?" The waitress asked, "I'll have a vanilla milkshake, and she'll have" "the same" I answer.

The waitress came back a few minutes later with mine and Jason's milkshakes. Jason started talking about his interests, I found out that he likes football and hopes to be the captain one day. He also assured me about Cheryl, and that she's just very protective of him. I told him about how I'm always moving because of my dads job, I started to tell him about some of the places I've lived before.

Like New York, California, New Zealand, Paris. We shared so many laughs, that eventually I lost count. He had a real good sense of humour, and was making me laugh, as I was going the same for him. He seemed so perfect, to good to be true. We hadn't realized that we had been talking for two hours until the waitress came up and told us she was closing now.

Jason walked me out to my car "I had a great time with you Tara!" He exclaimed, I smile widely and nod my head "I had a great time too." Suddenly he starts to lean down, then he presses his lips against mine.

Our lips moved in sync, as we shared a passionate kiss. Chills ran down my back, and it felt like someone had just set off fireworks in my stomach. It was a feeling I've never felt experienced before, but some how I knew it was... Love.

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