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YOU AND YOUR BEST FRIEND JUGHEAD WERE SITTING IN POPS. You were meeting up with your boyfriend Archie, but when you arrived you saw Jughead sitting alone and decided to join him.

You and Jughead have been talking for the past fifteen minutes, when the bells from the door jingled catching both yours and jughead's attention. You look over your shoulder to see Archie, he spots you and Jughead and you see his smile turn into a frown.

He walks over to your table, you quickly stand up to give him a hug, but he doesn't hug back. You take a step back wondering whats wrong, only to find him give Jughead a hard cold stare. "Well we better get going, see you tomorrow juggie" you say trying to avoid the awkward situation.

You and Archie leave, and jump into his car. You give your boyfriend - who still has not said a word to you - a confused look. "Are you ok, Arch?" You ask worriedly, he simply looks at you then back at the road. You sigh disappointed and decided to just let it go, hoping he will soon tell you what's wrong.


You are sitting on Archie's bed, he still hasn't spoken a word to you and your getting annoyed. Archie was sitting at his desk facing away from you, writing some songs. You get up from the bed, walking over to him then giving him kisses on his cheek. You hear him chuckle, then he turns around so he's facing you. You smile widely at him, how he's finally acting like himself.

You go sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Then suddenly he looks away, shutting you out again. You look at him with sad eyes then say, "Archie talk to me, please I don't get why your acting like this?" He huffs then looks up angry, "why don't you go ask Jughead, since you two are so close." He pulls you off his lap, and walks over to his bed running his hands through his red hair.

You sigh, "your right" he looks at you with sad eyes once you say that, but you continue "me and Jughead are close, but we're just friends. Archie, your my boyfriend and I love you, not jug." You grab your purse and jacket and walk over to his door. He calls out your name you turn around, he looks at you with guilt in his eyes. You simply turn around and leave his room.


Your walking through the hallways with Betty and Veronica. When suddenly you feel someone interlock there hand with yours, you look up and see Archie smiling down at you. "Hey, I'll meet up with you guys later" you tell your friends. You turn to face him, "what do you want Archie?" you say still upset about yesterday.

The bell rings meaning you need to be in class, he sighs then says quickly "meet me after my football practice?" You nod your head then jog to your class, that you were now late for.

You agreed to meet Archie after his football practice, which was now. You were sitting on the bleachers you got there a bit early so you could watch him. He came running over to you, trying to give you a hug. But you back away, he sighs "seriously (Y/N)" you laugh then say "Archie look how sweaty you are."

He gently places his hand on you face, then leaning down and gives you a passionate kiss. You both pull apart for air, then Archie says "I'm really sorry, I know you and jug are just friends I shouldn't have gotten so mad." You smile at how much he cares about you.

You go on you tiptoes so you can give him another kiss signalling that you forgive him. "I love you (Y/N)" "I love you too Archie"

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