why i dont update...

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Hey guys, so i know this book has been inactive for a really long time, and you guys definitely deserve an explanation.

The main reason i don't update anymore is honestly i just stopped watching Riverdale. Once i lost interest in the show, I lost interest with the book and my updates became slower.

In my opinion the first season of Riverdale was amazing, but i didn't enjoy the second season as much. I feel like it focused to much on the characters than the actual solving of the mystery. I do know that there are still many people that watch Riverdale but that is just my opinion.

I still enjoy writing very much, and i'm considering making another book. I don't have any ideas just yet, so comment what ur interests  are and what type of book u would like do see me write next! I am open to all ideas ❤️

Thank you all for understand, much love 😙

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