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Hey guys, so I was talking to a friend about Riverdale... Or course.
And have came up with a theory on WHO KILLED JASON BLOSSOM?

It has been the question everyone has been asking since the pilot.
So let's start off with what we know so far.

May contain spoilers

- Everyone thought Jason was killed on July 4th, we learned from Jason's autopsy, he was actually murdered a week after the Fourth of July.
- We learned in "Chapter five: Heart of Darkness" that Polly and Jason got into a fight. Also that Polly was trying to hurt herself.
- We also know that Miss. Grundy would teach music to Jason.

- Now for the theory -

We know that Miss. Grundy has a thing for much younger guys. Over the July 4th break, there was a death of quarterback Jason Blossom. We know that Miss. Grundy and Archie were in the forests on July 4th, and had also allegedly heard the gun shot that killed Jason Blossom.

We know that troop's Scoutmaster, Dilton Doiley was the one who shot the gun, but had said he didn't kill Jason.

I'm going to assume that Jason and Polly were still dating before/around the time of July 4th. We know that Miss. Grundy was giving music lessons to Jason as well.

What if the "music lessons" that Miss. Grundy was giving Jason are the same ones she's giving Archie. Meaning that Jason and Miss. Grundy had a dating relationship.

So that means if Polly and Jason were dating at that time, he was cheating on Polly with Miss. Grundy. We also learn in Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness, that Polly and Jason got into a big fight, which is what made Polly go mental.

What if Polly caught Jason cheating on her with Miss. Grundy, meaning that was what the 'big fight' was about. So Jason and Polly broke up. What if afterward he felt guilty about cheating on Polly, so he goes to Miss. Grundy telling her: what they did was wrong, and he was going to tell someone what they had done together.

Now obviously, that would get Miss. Grundy into a lot of trouble meaning jail time for her. What if she was trying to convince him not to tell anyone, but he still was going to. Now as for Archie and her trying to convince him not to tell anyone... Archie is willing to do what ever it takes to protect Miss. Grundy.

So the night that Jason died was the night he was going to tell someone about him and Miss. Grundy. But as we saw, when Veronica and Betty broke into Miss. Grundy's car they had found a gun.

What if that was the gun she used to shot Jason, so he wouldn't tell anyone... And she wouldn't get into trouble about having a romantic relationship with a student. Now the reason people wouldn't think it was Miss. Grundy is because she is a teacher, I feel that most people think it must be a student that had a grudge against Jason.


Now I'm not saying any of this is right, I know some parts might not make complete sense but I just think that in these types of shows they always choose a character who nobody would expect, and doesn't really think of.

It is just a theory but I think it would be really cool if they made Miss. Grundy the killer. I also think that they took her off the show to soon, which is a bit suspicious, and considering she was willing to leave so quickly. I think that there is more coming up for her character in future episodes.

Please comment down below your theories I would love to read them, and what you think of mine!

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