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I was sneaking out of my house to go visit my girlfriend Cheryl

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I was sneaking out of my house to go visit my girlfriend Cheryl. Obviously I wasn't doing a good job of being quiet because my twin sister Betty had heard me. "Greer! What are you doing?" Betty asks in a hush tone. "Uh nothing, see ya later sis!" I say quickly before sprinting out the door, hearing Betty call after me but eventually giving up.

I was out of breath once I finally arrived to Cheryl's house, unfortunately I had to climb up to get through her window since her parents were home and I couldn't exactly waltz right through the front door. Once I got in her room, I was suddenly knocked to the ground.

I look up to see Cheryl hovering over me, giving me a hug and planting kisses on my cheeks. I grab her by the waist and lie her on the bed, so now I'm hovering over her. She  starts kissing me roughly, leaving red lip stains over my mouth.

She starts tugging at my shirt signalling for me to take it off, which I do. She runs her hands through my hair, as I start to unbutton her blouse. Once i finish with the buttons she quickly rips off the blouse.

I decided to tease her a bit but not kissing back. She starts to kiss me again, as I stick to the plan. Cheryl pulls back, then wraps her legs around my waist. She groans "Greer!" As I sit while chuckling, to see just how desperate she is.

"Fine, be like that!" She huffs, getting up from the bed then walking into the bathroom. Suddenly I miss the feeling of her kisses and legs around my waist. After thinking about it, I decided to drop the act so I didn't start a fight.

The door to the bathroom swings open, slightly scaring me. But as the door opened more it revealed, Cheryl in just a button up shirt that was way to big for her. She walks over to me, pushing me on the bed so I'm fully lying down.

Then climbs on top of me, and leans down so her mouth is level with my ear, then whispers "still want to play games?" I shake my head 'no' as I feel her hands roaming my body.

Suddenly she gets up and walks over to her dresser, "I don't know, maybe-" she starts saying, teasing me back. But she was cut off by me smashing my lips onto hers, she wraps her legs around me again, without breaking the kiss. I slam our bodies against the wall.

I guess that when I slammed our bodies against the wall her parents heard and wanted to make sure she was okay. We quickly separated as they shook the door knob violently, good thing she locked it "Cheryl!" They called out, "are you ok?" They continued.

"Yes, I'm fine mother! I just dropped something." She responded, I waited to hear Cheryl's parents footsteps go back downstairs then I kissed her again. She pulled away laughing "Greer! You have to go, we almost got caught!" She exclaims, I let out a loud sigh the say, "ok fine, see you tomorrow...I love you!" I call out before jumping out her window.


I got back home and saw Betty sitting in the kitchen, biting on her finger nails. Once she saw me she jumped out of her seat "look before you say anything, I know you went to Cheryl's. Just next time tell me so I don't get so worried!" Betty whispers.

I nod my head 'yes' then ask her, not to tell mom and dad. Which after a few minutes of convincing she finally agreed. I quietly went upstairs to my room, when suddenly my phone buzzed and I saw a text from Cheryl.

Which read: I love you, goodnight!

I smiled down at my phone reading the text one last time before going to bed.

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