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REQUESTED BY: @oblivious-atkins

I SING THE LAST NOTE OF THE SONG AS ROOM IS FILLED WITH LOUD CLAPPING. I had just finished singing a song with my band Josie and the pussycats, I walked off stage and saw my boyfriend Reggie. I run up to him and give him a hug, as he showers me with compliments.

"Hey Reggie...Katy we have to get going we don't want to be late for the dinner party" Josie says before return back to her conversation with Valerie. "I'm sorry I have to go, you'll come won't you?" I ask hopeful. He nods his head in agreement, as I follow him to the parking lot.

Once we arrive outside I see the rest of my band getting into our limo, "hey Katy over here!" Val yells, while waving me over. I turn back to Reggie "it's fine go, I'll meet you there" he reassures me, I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before running over to the limo.

I watch as Reggie pulls out of the parking lot with a frown on his face, I start to feel bad not going with him. But my thoughts are cut off by Josie pulling me into the limo. We arrive at the restaurant 10 minutes later, as we walk in everyone starts cheering for us. I look around the restaurant and see Reggie talking to Archie.

I try to make my way over to them but suddenly Josie's mom, who is also the mayor along with some other people I don't know come and start congratulating me on a job well done. I thank them and make a little bit of small talk.

Once they leave I go back to trying to find Reggie, but I can't seem to find him anywhere. That's when I notice him outside standing next to his car. I run outside, just as he's about to leave. "Where are you going?" I ask trying to catch my breath. "I'm going home, you seemed busy I mean, I haven't talked to you once since we got here...I just feel like your ignoring me or something" Reggie says with a frown on his face.

I quickly pull him into a hug, and say "I'm not trying to ignore you, and I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention to you. I have an idea what if we ditch this place and go home and order pizza?" His eyes lighten up as I mention pizza, "I like that" he says before helping you into the car.


The door bell rang, Reggie quickly got up and answered the door, he grabs the pizza box, paying the man then coming back to sit with me on the couch. I smiled at him widely as we each took a slice of pizza. I cuddled with Reggie as he wrapped his arm around me "I love you" Reggie says pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, "I love you too" I say, grabbing the box to get another piece of pizza.

HOPE YOU LIKED IT! @oblivious-atkins

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