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I WALKED IN TO HISTORY CLASS, MY LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT. Nothing interesting ever happened in that class, well that was until today.

Another project assigned, but this was different the teacher decided to pair us up in partners. I waited for the teacher to call my name and tell me my partner. "Bex and Archie" the teacher say loudly. Surprisingly I wasn't upset with my partner, me and Archie were good friends. All was great except the fact I had a huge crush on him.

But I wasn't too worried about that, over time I learned how to hide my feelings for him. We turned to each other and smiled. Not realizing that it was the start of something great.

We started thinking of different ideas for our project and finally settled on one. Instead of doing our work we talking and laughing most of the time. We decided to continue our work after school at Archie's house.


We arrived at Archie's house, and were greeted by Vegas Archie's dog running up to us. We set up our books and started writing our essay. After about half an hour we decided to take a break "thanks" I said to Archie as he hands me a bottle of water. "No problem, you know to be honest I was hoping we would get paired together" he said nervously biting his lip.

"Oh ya and why was that" I said teasingly as Archie takes a step closer to me. I wait for Archie's response and was confused when he didn't answer. But what he did next was better than anything else, he crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back almost immediately, we broke apart both of us smiling like idiots.

Suddenly the front door swung open, revealing Fred Archie's dad. The two of us quickly separated and tried to act as if nothing happened. Fred simply chuckled and walked upstairs. Archie walked behind me and whispered in my ear "be mine?" I nodded my head, just as Fred walked back down stairs.

Who would have thought a boring assignment would bring me and Archie closer than we have ever been before.
I'm back!!! I know I've been very inactive for the past few months...but now that Riverdale is back on, so is my book! Please excuse my horrible writing (im still rusty 😂)  anyways I hope u enjoyed and are just excited as I am that the book is (FINALLY) back.


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