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I PULL MY RED HAIR UP INTO A PONYTAIL, BEFORE RUNNING DOWNSTAIRS. I grab my backpack and rush out the door, to see my best friend— Archie Andrews sitting on my door steps. "Come on we're going to be late!" I yell hopping into Archie's car.

Thankfully we got to school three minutes before the bell rung, Archie asked if I wanted to hang out with him later today and help him with his song writing which I gladly agreed too.


After a long day of school, it was nice to finally relax with Archie. The reason we were such good friends was because we understood each other the way no one else did. On our first day of kindergarten, I spent all recess sitting underneath the slide crying because I had no friends. Well that's when Archie had heard me crying and came to ask if I wanted to be his friend.

He later admitted that he was lonely too and didn't have any friends, and ever since that day we have been best friends. But over the years I learned to love Archie, more than a friend. But I never had the guts to tell him, I was always scared of rejection or ruining our friendship.

I watched him as he peacefully played his guitar, and humming his song. I got up from his bed and grabbed the guitar out of his hands "hey!" He exclaimed. I looked at him with a smirk on my face "can you teach me how to play?" He looks at me then laughs, "Nataile, it took me years to learn how to play." He says, I pout my lips and beg "oh please Arch."

He sighs, giving in and started by showing me the basic chords to play. When suddenly he comes behind me, holding me in his arms and helping me play the chords correctly. I feel my cheeks burn up, I look up behind me our faces inches away when suddenly he stands up "yeah just like that, your already getting the hang of it" Archie says with a fake cheerfulness.

I feel slightly hurt, I finally thought that maybe he felt the same way, but I guess I was wrong. Archie Andrew will never like me. But what I didn't know was Archie's love for me.


I walk into school and saw Archie talking to Jughead, they seem to be in a serious conversation, so I decided to walk away. That's when I spotted my friend Reggie and went to go talk to him. "Hey Reg!" I say happily, "hey Natalie" Reggie says wrapping his arm around me.

I smile widely and look up to see Archie staring at me and Reggie with hurt in his eyes. He turns around and starts running down the hall. "Reggie, I'll be right back" I say quickly to catch up with Archie, who was already out of the school.

"Archie! Archie wait up!" I say yelling after him, he finally stops and turns around, I walk up to him panting out of breath "hey are you ok?" I ask with concern. "No I'm not" he says holding my face in his hands, I look up at him with wide eyes. "I'm hopelessly in love with you, Nataile." My jaw drops heard his words, Archie's in love with me ?

Then suddenly I do something I never thought I how ever do, I pulled Archie's face down so he's level with me, and kissed him. It was slow but passionate, as our lips moved in-sync. We pulled away from the kiss, both of us smiling like idiots, "Natalie? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously. I nod my head with a wide smile, "yes of course!" I say excitedly.


I was lying down on Archie's bed, listening to him singing a new song he wrote. I groaned loudly, and tossed over on the bed. "Archie!" I whined, he simply laughed and shook his head "Archie!" I called out again. He sighed and finally lied down beside me on the bed.

I snuggled up against his chest and put my arm across his stomach. I look up at Archie to see him already looking down at me, I feel a smile growing on my face as I move up slightly so I'm level with his face. I wrap my arms around Archie's neck and run my fingers through his hair.

I give him a quick peck on his lips, only for Archie to pull me by my waist closer to him and deepened the kiss. Soon we were in a full on make out session. We pull away from the kiss and lean our heads against each other's forehead. "I love you Natalie" "I love you to Archie."

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