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I WALKED THROUGH THE HALLWAY WITH MY BEST FRIENDS ARCHIE. Unfortunately for me, Jughead Jones—Archie's other best friend, decided to join. A loud huff escaped my lips as Jughead approached us. Me and Jughead never got along, we hated each other, for what reason I couldn't remember.

I never did anything wrong, one day he just started teasing me and it's been that way ever since. The bell rang as we walked into our English class, everyone sat in there assigned seats. I sat beside Archie, and thankfully Jughead sat all the way on the other side of the room. The teacher started talking, while walking around handing out our new assignment.

"This assignment will be with partners" the teacher informed, I looked over to ask Archie if he wanted to be my parented but before I could even ask the teacher interrupted, saying she would be the one picking the partners. Everyone in the room either let out a loud huff or rolled their eyes, or both.

She started picking the different pairs, as I sat patiently waiting for my name to be called. "Rachel, and Jughead!" My head shot in the direction of Jughead. He shot me a cold glare before going back to write on his computer.


The bell rang indicating that class was over, I gathered my books and headed out the door. I spotted Jughead standing at his locker and decided to talk to him about the assignment. "Hey, Jughead so for the assignment I was thinking we could—" I start saying but Jughead cuts me off mid-sentence. "Just meet me in the library after school is over." He finishes, before walking away with out waiting for my answer.

I met Jughead in the library  just like he told me, as I walk in I see him typing in his computer. I took a seat beside him and started taking out the different materials for the assignment. Jughead looked up at me and gave me a warm smile, I was shocked but returned the smile.


Me and Jughead had been working in the assignment for about half an hour, we were getting along fine, but then we had a disagreement about what we should do for a certain part. It wasn't long before we were both yelling at each other.

"Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you!" I yell, demanding an answer. Jughead lowers his head and focuses his attention back to his computer. "I asked you a question, and answer would be nice!" I say with attitude, Jughead suddenly slams his computer shut. "I don't hate you, I never have. The truth is I love you! I have for the longest time but I didn't know how to tell you!" I stood there quietly as my jaw dropped hearing his words.

I had never thought of Jughead in that way, but now hearing him confess his feelings for me, it was like I suddenly realized that maybe I do like him. Before I knew what was happening we were both leaning into a kiss.

We pulled away to get some air, as we both blushed and shared a small smile. "FINALLY!!" We heard being yelled, we both turn our attention to the door way and see Archie standing there smiling widely. "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt" he said slowly taking a step back, "but it was totally obvious you liked each other" Archie said laughing then jogging away.  Me and Jughead both shared a laughed, and continued to finish our English assignment.


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