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YOU HAD GONE OUT ON A DATE WITH CHUCK. You have to admit you had a good time, but the only reason you went out was to get your mind off your crush and best friend Archie Andrews.

Earlier that week

You were sitting on the bleachers, waiting for Archie's football practice to finish. When suddenly Chuck took a seat beside you, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You never really talked to Chuck before and if you ever did he was always an ass.

"Hey (Y/N), so I was wondering do you want to hang out later today?" He asked, making you even more confused wondering why Chuck would ever want to hang out with you. You chuckle, "Chuck are you asking me on a date?" He nods his head, while smiling.

You take a minute to think about you answer, you and Chuck were never close and you didn't even like him. But you thought maybe it was a good opportunity to make Archie jealous. "Fine I'll go out with you" Just then Archie came waltzing over, "great! See you later, Pops at 7" You nod your head giving a small smile.

You look up at Archie who had a confused look on this face. "Ready to go" you say nonchalantly, while walking away from your friend. He jogs to catch up to you, "your going on a date with Chuck?" He asks, you didn't think it was a big deal, considering Archie probably didn't like you. But what you didn't know was inside his heart had just broke into a million pieces.

"Yup" you say continuing to walk, Archie stopped after you has said yes, you turn around to see what was wrong. "You know Chuck will hurt you." Archie said with concern written all over his face "Archibald are you jealous?" You say using his full name, with a smirk plastered on your face. "Maybe" he mumbled under his breath, but he didn't say it loud enough to for you too hear.

Present day  

It was the day after your date with Chuck, you had a good time surprisingly. But Archie hadn't spoken a word to you since you had first told him about your date with Chuck, you two would sometimes say hi while walking in the hallways but that was it.

You were talking to your best friends Veronica and Kevin, people were walking by smiling and laughing at you, but you ignored it, well tried too. "How was the sticky maple?" One girl asked while walking, but you were confused you didn't know what a sticky maple was.

You turn to your friends but saw that they didn't know either, that was until Kevin pulled out his phone then said "oh no, look at this." Holding the phone up for you and Veronica to see. You saw a photo you and Chuck had taken together, except in this photo there was some sort of yellow liquid on your face, which you had assumed was maple.

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