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YOU QUIETLY CLOSE THE WINDOW TO YOUR ROOM. You turn around and let out a small scream scared at the sight of your brother Archie sitting on your bed with his arms crossed. "Where the hell have you been!" He yells, not worrying about the fact of anyone hearing since your dad was out on a business trip.

You open your mouth to say that you were with your boyfriend Jughead but no words come out so you close your mouth. "You were with Jughead weren't you?" You slowly nod your head scared of what was coming next.

"Are you kidding me! (Y/N), you know how I feel about Jughead!" He yells, You scoff and shake your head before answering "and you know how I feel about Juggie, I love him Archie and nothing you or anyone else says will change that!" You yell back just as loud.

He looks down at his shoes and sighs disappointed, after he doesn't say anything for a while you decide to continue, "why can't you be happy for me Archie? I have always been there with you through everything! No matter what you did, good or bad." He looks up at you with soft eyes.

You sigh, then say "just go Archie" he walks over to your door and looks back before leaving. You flop onto your bed and clutch onto your pillow tightly, as you bite your lip hard trying not cry. Which fails as you end up sobbing.


I arrive to school feeling horrible about my fight with (Y/N). And the only way to stop this from happening again was making sure Jughead stayed away from her. He wasn't good enough for (Y/N), he's just going to hurt.

I spot Jughead in the lounging room, typing on his computer. I stand tall as I approach him, he looks up from the screen and stands up as well. He was eye level with me, I guess I had forgotten about how much he's grown.

"Stay away from (Y/N), your no good for her." I say with confidence, Jughead scoff slightly then he says, "does (Y/N) know your here, is she ok with this." I shake my head no "well why don't we talk to her about it then, yeah?" Jughead continues saying, before trying to walk away.

I slam my hand into his chest to stop him from telling (Y/N), he looks up at me with a smirk plastered on his face. I was getting frustrated with Jughead, and before I knew it I had punched him across the face. He stumbled back, then punched back, catching me off guard.

Soon I was in a full-on fist fight with Jughead, I knew it was wrong and how hurt (Y/N) would feel, but he had to be put in his place. We got pulled apart by Reggie, by then a crowd had formed and multiple teachers came running and sent us to the principles office.

As we tried to push past the crowds me and Jughead both spotted (Y/N) standing off to the side, with her head heaving low and arms crossed. "(Y/N)!" Me and Jughead call out repeatedly, as we watch her walk away.

Me and Jughead got off with a warning because no one was severally hurt. I rushed home to go apologize to (Y/N), I should have never started that fight with Jughead, she was happy and that's all that matters, not my stupid feud with Jug.

I pull up into our drive way, to see (Y/N) walking out of the house. "Hey! Wait up!" I call out she looks at me and scoffs with a head shake added. "Look, I'm sorry-" "no your not, you hated it when me and Jughead were best friends, and you hate it even more now that we're dating! I don't care anymore Archie! I'm finally happy, so do you think you could be a good brother just for once, and let me be happy!" She says cutting me off.

I look down at my shoes as a tear rolls down my face, not only did I ruin her happiness, but I ruined our relationship. "I'm sorry, I want to fix this please!" I plead to her. She opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it again and starts to run.

I turn to look behind me to see what was there, and that's when I saw (Y/N) in jughead's arms, both of them crying. "Oh juggie, are you ok? Your eye!" She exclaims, lightly touching his now blue and black eye. He releases from (Y/N)'s tight grip, and walks over to me and holds his hand out for me to shake, with a small smile on his face.

I accepted his hand shake, then I said "if you make her happy, then I'm happy." (Y/N) runs over to the two of us and pulls us both into a tight hug.

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