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I RUSH OUT MY FRONT DOWN AND HOP ONTO MY BIKE. Out of the corner of my eye I see a red headed boy walking on the side walk, he looks my way and flashes me a smile. I smile back, then ride my bike down the road. The whole way to my new school I couldn't get the thought of the red headed boy out of my head.

I walk down the halls of Riverdale high school, not having any idea of where I'm going. I was trying to find the front office, but instead I felt like a chicken running around without a head.

When suddenly I bumped into someone, then wondered how much worse my day was going to get. I look up to see a girl, with short brown hair, a knee length dress on, and bold eyebrows. "Oh my I'm so sorry" I say helping her pick up her book that were now scattered across the floor. "It ok really, I'm Veronica lodge— I'm new to school" I smile up at Veronica, handing her the books. "I'm Kylee, I'm a new student too" I say shyly.

She claps her hands together, the sudden noise making me look up. "That's great! Are you looking for the front office, I'm heading there can come with me if you want!" She says happily, with a wide smile spreading across her face. I nod my head, and gladly accept her offer. I was quite surprised on how quickly I had made a new friend.

I was walking down the hallway with Veronica, we were make small talk. When suddenly I noticed the same red headed boy walking towards me and Veronica. "Hey I'm Archie Andrew, you two are new right?" The red headed boy, named Archie asked, I nod my head yes. "Yes we are... I'm Veronica, and this is you think you could lead us to the front office Archie?" Veronica asked politely.

I noticed Archie look at me before answering yes, I guess Veronica noticed because she was trying to convince me to go talk to him, I finally agreed and started to walk a bit faster so I would catch up to Archie. Once he noticed me standing beside him, he flashed me another sweet smile similar to the one this morning. "So Kylee, I'm pretty sure your my new neighbour, I think I saw you this morning, right?" He asked starting a conversation.

I nodded my head, "ya that was me" I say, then looking down at my feet. I've never been one to talk much, I'm the shy girl, the lonely girl. I usually express my feelings in the form or art, weather it's a drawing or painting, even sometimes a photograph. We finally reached the front office, me and Veronica got out schedules, Archie stayed to direct us to our classes. He told me that we have first, third, and fourth period together and he could walk me there.

I agreed and said bye to Veronica. "Your very shy aren't you?" Archie asked in a soft tone, I nod my head slightly ashamed. "Ya I've never had a lot of friends." He looks down at me with a wide smile, "well you have me and Veronica were your friends and I can introduce you to some of my friends." He says cheerfully, earning a chuckle from me.

We arrived to our first class when Archie suddenly stopped me. "Hey so, I have football practice at fourth you think you could bring me the homework after school?" He asked me slightly nervous, "sure!" I say happily.


It was the end of the day and I had gotten Archie's homework he had missed. I was on my way to bring it to his house right now, when I arrived I rang the door bell and a man who I assume was Archie's father answered the door. "Hi I'm Kylee I'm the new neighbour, I'm just bring by some of Archie's homework" I say introducing myself, holding my hand out from Archie's dad to shake, which he does.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fred Andrews, Archie's dad. He just up stairs in his room." He says back politely, guiding me up the stairs, then pointing to Archie's room. I thank him with a smile, the knock on the door with loud music coming out of it. I wait for about a minute and don't get an answer, that's when I knock a little louder and open the door just enough to squeeze my body through. My jaw drops at the sight of Archie without a shirt on, hitting a punching bag, without a shirt on!

Archie notices my presents and quickly turns off the music, as I cover my eyes with my hand. Earning a laugh from Archie, "it's fine Kylee you can come in" he says, I hesitate slightly but only because he still doesn't have a shirt on. "I'm sorry, your dad, he said I could come in-" "it fine really, don't worry about it" I shift uncomfortably as Archie wipes his bare chest with a towel.

"Um I brought your homework" I say handing him his text books. He thanks me and sets the books on his desk. That's when I notice a guitar, lying across the ground. I walk over to it and pick it up, "can I play something?" Archie nods his head amused. I start to play a song that I wrote, I have been playing the guitar since I was five.

I played the last note as I finished the song, I look up and saw Archie sitting on his bed with his jaw dropped. Archie then quickly stood up and started to clap loudly. I smile widely, as I feel a blush creep up on my face. "That was absolutely amazing, Kylee!" Archie exclaimed, "thanks" I say in a hush tone, looking down at my feet. When suddenly Archie places his hands on my cheeks, lifting my face up so I'm looking at him.

"Kylee, there's something about you—your not like other girls, your different and I like that" Archie says before placing a soft kiss in my lips. I open my eyes, and can tell my face is as red as it feels. "I really like you Kylee" I smile widely, looking up at Archie then I say "I really like you too Archie."

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