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I WALKED OUT OF THE BATHROOM, AFTER I FINISHED THROWING UP. It was becoming a regular thing every morning, I looked at my friend Betty with tears in my eyes. She gave me a sad look, I sat with her on my bed, she was hugging me while I was crying.

I was confused to why I was throwing up I went to the clinic but they said I probably just had the flu, well it's been two weeks and my throwing up hasn't stopped. I've also been eating more than usual "Betty I don't know what wrong with me?" I said between sobs, "I might have an idea" my head shot up, looking at her.

"This is going to be awkward, but have you and Archie had sex recently and if so when?" She asked, Archie was my boyfriend and we've been dating for three years now, but had been best friends before that, since kindergarten to be exact. I slowly nod my head yes while saying, "ya, I don't know maybe four weeks ago."

"Did he use a- you know condom?" She asks shifting uncomfortably, I try to remember if he use a condom or not, but unfortunately can't remember, I shrug my shoulders in response. "Maybe you should talk to him?" She says, I can't be pregnant, right? I mean I'm to young. I have to talk to Archie.


I was walking down the hallway, when I spotted Archie talking to his friends. Suddenly worry rushed over me, and I was finding it hard to breath. I ran into the girls bathroom, and was glad when I saw Veronica. "Oh my Ella, are you ok?" She asked concerned, i went through each stall to make sure no other girl was in the bathroom before answering "no Ronnie I think I'm pregnant" she pulled me into a a tight hug, her first question was "did you tell Archie?"

"No I was going to tell him now, but I got so scared" I said running my fingers through my blonde hair, I look at myself in the mirror, and see sadness in my blue eyes. I can do this, I can do this, I tell myself. I walk out of the bathroom and see Archie in the same place laughing with his friends. I take a deep breath, and walk over...Archie's smile gets even wider once I approach him. "Hey Ella!" He says cheerfully, "hi" I mumble.

The bell had rung for class but I asked Archie to stay back. He had noticed how I was upset, "did you use a condom when we had sex?" I ask anxiously, he takes a minute to think about it before answer, "I don't remember? Why?" I let out a loud huff, "I need you to remember Archie! I-i think I'm pregnant." I say looking down at the ground.

A few minutes past, I look up because Archie hasn't said anything. When I look up I see him with a wide smile on his face, suddenly he picks me up and spins me around. He was happy? "This is amazing! Did you do a test yet?" He asks cheerfully. I shake my head no, "all the signs are there, morning sickness, I've been eating more, I also gained a few pounds." I say, he hasn't stopped smiling.

"How are you happy about this Archie? We're so young!" I exclaim, I look down at the ground. I feel a hand being placed on my cheek, as Archie lifts up my head. "Yes your right we are young, but we love each other, and I promise I will be there with you every step of the way." I feel a smile growing on my face as I realize just how much Archie loves me.

I was so happy in the moment, Archie was happy, we are having a baby! But what I didn't know was that right around the corner Cheryl blossom had heard our whole conversation and planned to use it again us.

The next day

I took a pregnancy test, and it confirmed I was pregnant, at first I was upset and worried, but now I'm as happy as can be. I walk into the halls of Riverdale High school to be met with Archie. I nod my head meaning I'm pregnant, he walks over to me and places his arm around my shoulder. As we walk down the hall together many people point, laugh, and whisper stuff.

I look up to Archie confused as to what was going on, we reach the end of the hall were Cheryl was standing with one hand on her hip and a nasty smirk plastered on her face. "What's going on?" Archie asks looking around at the crowd forming around us.

Cheryl walks up to me and places her hand on my stomach, I push her hand away wondering how she found out. I know Archie didn't tell anyone and only Betty and Veronica know, and they wouldn't tell Cheryl. "Congrats on the baby!" She says with a fake smile, "ok fine I'm just ask the question everyone's wondering, are you keeping the thing?" She says, I scoff in response as Archie pulls me away from the crowd.

He brings me outside where there wasn't anyone, he grabs both of my hands then says "I'm going to tell you exactly what I said before Ella, I love you with all my heart and I love our baby too, we and going to keep it and I will be there with you, because I love you. We are in this together, you aren't alone, i promise." I nod my head.

I start tearing up, hearing his words. He knows how to make me feel better when I'm done, how am I so lucky to have him? "Thank you, Archie for everything" I say sincerely, I pull him into a tight hug. Once we pull away we share a passionate kiss. We are meant to be together forever.

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