10 Warriors, 10 Stories Begin

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Take Note, that Book 7 of Diablo Saga has 2 parts. Part one is this book, while Part 2, shall be the 8th book of the overall series.


"10 warriors huh?" said Natsu Dragneel as Mikoto sat down wearily at her desk in the Guild Hall's recently constructed office.  "That's like.. 8 more including right? If you've already got us two."

It had been one week already, and now it had come time for Mikoto to look for the rest of the team for the Omegaverse Tournament.

"Thing is." said Mikoto. "I've heard of Lord Boros before.. Saitama told me he defeated that guy.. which means the one I met was an alternate version from another reality.. and when I fought this guy.. he was waaaay tougher than Saitama described him. Like.. Numensapien level.. no joke. I could tell.. even though the both of us didn't go full power."

Natsu nodded.

Natsu had grown as well over the past 10 years. Most of Fairy Tail, having hung around the aura of Dragon Borns had received the side effects of having increased youth, many like Levy or Lucy still looked very young, however, they still grew somewhat. Natsu for instance was now taller and a little muscular. he now wore a red track suit under his scarf with the black fairy tail guild mark on it.

"So.. like you can only pick guys who've got the same God level those guys have right?" said Natsu with a grin. "We know quite a few of those. Howabout Hoshimi?"

"Too young." said Mikoto. "She's a kid, it wouldn't be right. And Wendy's still recovering from that last drastic job.. well.. hmm.. I've got a few people in mind..  but I don't think they all need to be god level.. they're fighters of ALL sorts.. so I've heard.. and Numensapiens are banned anyways.  But..."

"Who do ya have in mind?" said Natsu.

Mikoto smiled. "Just a guy who owes me a favor."


The Kurosaki home was currently in a peaceful state. Ichigo Kurosaki, married to his wife Orihime was helping his son Kazui with his homework at that very moment.

"Alright.. so just add that.. with tha-" Ichigo looked up as the doorbell rang. "Huh? What's that?"

Ichigo went over to the front door and opened it. Mikoto was standing on the other side of the door, smiling. "Yo!"

"Yo!" said Ichigo back, grinning.

"Auntie Misaka!" exclaimed Kazui from where he sat, waving cheerfully.

"Listen, thanks for taking Kazui the other day." said Ichigo. "Me and the wife really needed a vacation."

"Well.. I'm afraid I'm not here for another vacation." said Mikoto, her expression turning serious. "I need a favor.. a favor that only the strongest kind of fighter can help with."

Ichigo nodded. "What is it?"

"The Omegaverse Tournament.. remember when I wrote you about it?"

"Don't tell me.. it's starting?"

Mikoto nodded. "If.. you can handle it.."

Ichigo looked at the living room table.. where a photo of Shizuri Mugino stood.. His expression hardened. "It's been 9 years since she...."

"I know.. which is why I understand if you don't want to.. you swore off fighting after that happened.. but.. I need a Soul Reaper on the team for this.. and you're the best there is."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now