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"Well that was fun." said Mikoto, smiling to her kids as they re-entered the stadium room. "I can't believed Piccolo actually managed to beat that Sephiroth guy, he played it pretty smart."

"Hey Mama? Can we play our Nintendo Switch? Please?" Miyoko asked, as she and Mira Jr. gave Mikoto their best begging look.

"Ask your Dad.." 

"He'll just ask us to ask you!" said Mira Jr.

Mikoto raised an eyebrow at Touma, who grinned sheepishly.

"Oh alright, but start working on your Summer Homework first, I want it at least 12 percent done, got it?"


Mikoto froze suddenly, Twilight Prankster was standing in the main part of the waiting room.

"Oi! What's going on?" Luffy asked, as the rest of the 10 fighters and their families entered.

Prankster stood there solemn and silent, and with one hand, he held out the Sogeking mask to Mikoto. 

"He... he'd want you to have this..." said Prankster quietly.

Mikoto stared at the mask. "Wait.. that's Usopp's mask.. what are you-?"

Mikoto then understood.. she understood as she stared at Prankster. Twilight Prankster never acted this serious.. it took a lot to make him go from his usual hyper goofy persona to quiet funeral denizen... 

"No.." Mikoto said quietly. "P-please... n-not him... not Usopp.."

Prankster bowed his head.

Luffy looked blank, as Mikoto took the mask. "Huh? What happened? Where's Usopp?"

"He's dead Luffy." said Prankster.

"That's not a funny joke." said Luffy with a frown.

"it's... not a joke..." said Prankster, amid the intense silence. "Usopp is dead.."

Luffy's eyes went wide.. his shook. "P-prankster.. h-hey.. don't do that man.. that's not funny..."

Luffy looked at everyone else, who were all silent.. and in shock too. "Tell him guys.. t-tell him this isn't funny.."

Luffy didn't get an answer, instead, everyone continued to stare in massive shock...

This sort of loss hadn't happened since Mugino's death... this was..

Luffy's face contorted into a rage unlike any other. "Wh-who did this... WHO DID THIS!? TELL ME!!! I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!!!!!"

"A god.." said Prankster. "One of the gods of Order and Chaos.."

Prankster pointed at Vetranos who's eyes widened slightly. "Him."

All of Fairy Tail turned their heads slowly... shadows crossing their faces.. a combined rage unlike any other seemed to make the atmosphere tremble.

And Elohim bared his teeth, black flames rippling around him. "Vetranos... you best have an explanation for this... because you and I both know.. that out of us two... I am probably the most violent and temperamental... ya little piece of shit.."

"Be reasonable Elohim.." Vetranos began.

"REASONABLE!!!!!!!?" Elohim roared.. the entire Aincrad replica shook with Elohim's roar, and all the other teams backed away, even Boros looked bewildered... and Hisoka began to sweat slightly.  "YOU DARE!? THIS IS MY MULTIVERSE YOU JACKASSS!!!! I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM!!! YOU KILLED ONE OF THEM!! AND WHEN YOU KILL ONE OF THEM!!! YOU EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE OMEGAVERSE!!!!"

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now