The Rise of Sogeking

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"Hmm.. you've made it out.."

Horus looked up as Diablo Supreme walked out, smiling slightly.

"Well, well.." said Diablo. "Am I the first one out?"

"It appears so." said Horus, gesturing to a large waiting room filled with couches and magazines from alternate realities.  "Feel free to enjoy yourself.."

"With mortal literature?" said Diablo, picking up a Shonen Jump magazine and eyeing distastefully. "What a bore.."

"Technically, Numensapiens aren't immortal, you do have an end to your own lifespans you know.." said Horus.

"True.." said Diablo. "But I also consider powers and ability when defining the class of 'Mortal'. Saitama of Fairy Tail is not mortal at all in any sense of my thinking... I also don't define Mikoto Misaka as a mortal.. not anymore at least. She has surpassed the limits of ordinary Dragon Slayers."

Diablo looked back at the exit to the maze. "What is taking you so long girl? I know you're stronger than this.."


Meanwhile back in a nearby waiting room, the rest of Fairy Tail's group sat, awaiting their representing contestants.

"You know.. this is taking a while, I hope they're okay.." said Gabby.

"Wow.. thought you would've like.. I don't know.. calculated the odds of them getting out of there." said Miyoko.

"It's not that simple if you don't know what they're up against."

"Well, actually, there is a way we can help them out." said Elohim.

"Really?" said Juvia with surprise. "Juvia thought we weren't competing."

"In non-battle related challenges you're allowed to send in one reserve team member to assist people that are in trouble, or look for information on the next challenges in certain areas." said Elohim. "It's rarely ever used though.. but it would require somebody quite brave.."

Usopp edged a little away from the group.

"Somebody chivalrous maybe." said Gajeel.

Usopp edged a little more away.

"Yohohohoho! Somebody like a hero maybe?" said Brook ."Maybe Genos?"

"I'm not sure how much help I'd be among such titanic powerhouses.." said Genos.

Usopp now jumped out the door.

"But who could we send?" said Panther Lily. 

"HOLD IT!! Did I hear correctly!!? Does somebody need.. A HERO!?"

"Whose there!?" said Gajeel.

A dark figure leaped out from the doorway, his cape fluttering in the wind, the lenses pulled over the eye holes of his mask.

The shadows moved away from him as the daylight from outside the door slowly hit his figure.

He had on a yellow mask with three sun-like fin protrusions, and goggles pulled over his mask's eyeholes, a red cape, and a familiar looking slingshot at his side. His long noze protruded from a hole in the mask as well.

"I am the hero from the island of snipers!" said the man. "I am... SOGEKING!"

(Cue Theme)

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now