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"Well.. these matches have been pretty interesting so far.." said Mephisto. "But alas, we have only two left to go.. meaning.. at the start of these fights we had.. 8 teams.. and that means we might have around considerably less at the end of this.. oh my.. heheheh.."

Mikoto remained silent as she watched Mephisto look at his list again. To think there were fighters with strategy like that in this tournament.. the fate of the Omegaverse hung in the balance.. and barely anybody except her own team knew that... should she have picked a strategist too?  Kakashi Hatake would've been a good choice.. except he was quite old now.. Maybe Shikamaru? It was true that she never selected anybody from Naruto's universe.. but Ninja were far more busy than mages in the short and long run, so no time seemed like a good time to ask.. 

But then again.. wasn't she herself supposed to be the strategist?

"We're going to have to fight smarter from now on." said Ichigo, as if reading Mikoto's thoughts.

"yeah." said Mikoto. "Just punching somebody isn't going to do it.. we need to observe our opponents carefully.."

"Well, well.. the next match, is Zen-Oh's Piccolo v.s. Grambien's Sephiroth..." said Mephisto. "Approach the arena.."

Piccolo, the tall green skinned man, wearing an armored cape and turban and purple gi, with long pointed ears and clawed fingers, stepped forward, his expression serious and calm.  A member of Goku's team huh?

Mikoto then looked at Piccolo's opponent

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Mikoto then looked at Piccolo's opponent. A tall muscular man as well, wearing silver armor, and a black coat that opened to reveal his muscular chest.. and long white hair over a calm handsome face..

two people who looked as if they weren't shaken easily.. interesting.. 

Piccolo levitated down to the arena as Sephiroth leaped down.

"So.. you're my opponent." said Piccolo.

"Indeed." said Sephiroth. "It's rather unfortunate that I am your opponent strange green man.. I was hoping it would be somebody else in particular that I heard was at this tournament. 

Piccolo grinned. "Don't be too disappointed. I don't intend on going easy any time soon."

"Don't be too sure.. the laws of this world differ from the laws of our world slightly." said Sephiroth. "For instance.. stone in this world.. an element that is the same in absolute structure and constitution as the stones from my world.. are slightly stronger.. and require 3 percent more strength to crush in one's fist.."

Sephiroth nodded. "I believe the results of a battle depend on the environment as well as the skill of the fighter.."

"That's one way of looking at it." said Piccolo, as he took off his cape and turban, and threw them on the ground.

"I see.. you've figured out the laws of this world." said Sephiroth. "Nudity makes you stronger on this planet."

Sephiroth began to unzip his coat and pants.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now