Static Dragon Lord

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"BOOOOMMMMMMMM!!" Boros was sent flying by a tremendous black electric punch, flying high into the sky as Mikoto drew out a coin, her face contorted with rage.


A powerful black meteor infused with the darkest lightning exploded outwards at Boros, whose armor began to crack and shatter even more.. before finally, all the golden armor shattered, revealing his blackish blue carpaced form underneath.

Boros grinned as he landed on his feet, his body smoking from Mikoto's attack. "THAT'S the power I love to see!!"

Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "So... You survived one of my trump attacks.. that's actually pretty good.."

Mikoto looked back at Goku, who was still unconscious, barely breathing. "Hold on Goku.. I'll try and finish this quick.."

Mikoto clenched her fists, her eyes lighting up with fury. "I won't hold back.. BOROS!!"

Mikoto summoned her Final Hollow Mask in a burst of black lightning and let out a ferocious roar that split the very heavens with black lightning.

Boros began to laugh maniacally, spreading his arms out as tremendous energy exploded from the very bounds of his armor..

As this happened, Kid, who was just about to fight the masked white haired boy, stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" said the kid lazily.. "Not afraid of Ghouls are you?"

"Actually.. I'm more afraid of those two.." said Death The Kid, looking at the battle in the distance that was about to take place. "You feel that? This entire arena is about to become decimated from those two alone... Kaneki was it? How about we head to the edge of the arena.."

Kaneki narrowed his one exposed eye and began to shiver as he felt the tremendous pressure coming from Mikoto and Boros's direction. "Yeah... alright.. "

Boros took a step forward.. as did Mikoto..

For a moment the duo stared each other down.. then Boros grinned. "Ya ready?"

"After you.." Mikoto whispered in her echoing hollowfied voice.

Another pause... then...

"FOOOOOMMM!" The both of them disappeared in a burst of speed and reappeared at the center of the arena.. colliding in an explosion of black lightning and cosmic purple aura.

Boros let out a primal roar, both his chest eye and the eye on his face exploding with purple energy, Mikoto and Boros both flew into the sky, colliding with each other over and over, godly power blasting out from them each time they collided.

He's keeping up with me.. Mikoto thought. Even in Final Hollow form.. he's no joke... and what's more, he's not even at full power.. this guy actually might be much stronger than me..

"NICE!! NICE!!" roared Boros as he and Mikoto exchanged more colossal punches. "BUT COME ON!! THERE'S MORE TO YOU THAN THAT!! SHOW ME MORE!! SHOW ME THE POWER YOU USED ON VETRANOS!!"

"ROAR!!!" Mikoto launched herself away from Boros, her hollowed jaws opening. "OF THE FINAL HOLLOW DRAGON!!!!"

A powerful surge of black lightning infused with red spirit energy blasted outwards, exploding towards Boros, and enveloping him in a devastating wave that turned the very sky black with the electric charge.

The wind from the attack sent all the other combatants on the field flying and screaming. Death The Kid nodded at Kaneki, and the both of them used a hand each to catch the flying unconscious Goku before he could fly off the stage.

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