Super Saiyan

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"Happy.. mutated.." Mikoto muttered, looking at Kuroko with a raised eyebrow. 

"er.. yeah.. sounds stupid now that I say it out loud.." Kuroko muttered.

After following Kuroko's screams and somehow finding her frozen near the treetops.. slowly but surely over the course of several days, Fairy Tail managed to reunite with their teams 

(take note, Ichigo is the only one on the team that isn't part of the guild. Saitama has indeed joined in answer to the questions that have been assaulting my PMs lately, His guild mark is on his arm, but covered by his super hero costume.)

"Well, just glad that everyone managed to find their way back." Ichigo muttered as he tried to brush a water weed out of his hair. "This swamp is just murder! I think I saw a few competitors get eaten by a huge monster a ways back.."

"I know." said Mikoto. "I can smell all the predators prowling around in this place.. it's not just the other fighters that whittle down the competition.. I think you guys already know this.. but.. I don't think this is the type of tournament where killing exempts you.. this is like the Chunin exams in Naruto's world.. learn fast or die.."

"Or the Hunter's Exam!" said Gon, raising a hand. (Which is what Naruto was based off).

"Where did we pick up these guys by the way?" Gray muttered, jabbing a thumb at Goku, Jojo, Speedwagon, Gon and Killua. "Where did we pick them up?"

"We just sorta tagged along cause we have no other options.. sorry about that." said Killua. 

"I'm just hoping that Mikoto fights me at some point!" said Goku cheerfully. "She did promise after all!"

"Hmm.. it seems like you're not causing us any trouble at least." said Erza.

"Speak for yourself.." Natsu muttered, glaring at Jojo, who thrust his arms out heroically. "COME FRIENDS!! Together, we shall destroy the evil that is DIO!!! For it is obviously he who has constructed this entire tournament!!"

"Dio.. huh.." Saitama muttered, scratching his chin. "Where have I heard that name before?"


Black Rock Shooter blinked a little, staring down at the facedown and moaning Dio in the muck.

She looked around... and then after she was sure that nobody was watching, took out a stick, and began poking Dio repeatedly, as if he were some sort of interesting thing on the side of the road.


"Anyways." said Mikoto. "All weird stuff aside, we've got about one day left before the 12 days are up.. and not only have eaten nothing but fish and mushrooms, which has me seriously craving a pizza, but we're no closer to finding the arena.. any ideas?"

Everyone looked at each other.. but nobody was forthcoming in how to find the Arena.

"LET'S BEAT EVERY MONSTER UP UNTIL THEY TELL US WHERE!!" Natsu roared suddenly, flames gushing out of his mouth.

"Natsu, I don't think-" Mikoto said

"WHAM WHAM!!!" A few flaming punches later, Natsu was pulling a fish man out of the water, who was bruised from his beating. "WHERE IS THE ARENA!!?"

"And he's talking to it.." Mikoto sighed.

"I don't know.." the fish man whimpered.

"And... it.. talked back.." Mikoto said, her eyes now wide with surprise.

"Perhaps we're thinking about this too obviously." said Killua. "Back in our world, the Hunter's Exam was filled with tricks and puzzles like this. Maybe the location isn't in the swamp."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now