Kuroko rises

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5 minutes earlier..

"KAAABLLLLLLLLAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!" An explosion shook the swamp.. as a giant lug of a homunculus exploded into the earth where Kuroko had only been seconds before.

Gluttony rose from the swampy muck, licking his lips, slobbering like a dog. "LUST! She's running!! I want to eat her Lust!! I'm going to eat her!! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Kuroko appeared on a nearby branch, looking at Gluttony with disgust apparent on her face. "So.. you say you're an artificial human of some sort? Well whoever made you was one sick crap face." 

"My my.." said Lust, standing nearby. "Are you going to take that from her Gluttony?"

"Can I eat her Lust!? Can I!? Can I!? CAN I!?" Gluttony exclaimed.

"Go right ahead."

"OH BOY!! She looks so tasty!!!" Gluttony screamed, launching himself into the air, being frighteningly fast and agile for something so fat and awkward looking.

Kuroko teleported away with ease and swiped her hand through the air, her powerful Level Five AIM field spreading around her invisibly.

Multiple ginormous tree branches teleported off the incredibly massive trees and before Gluttony knew what was happening, the giant branches were stabbed through his body, teleported right through his skull and torso. 

"AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Gluttony screamed. "IT HURTS!!!!!"

Gluttony crashed through the earth, wrenching himself away from the pillar sized branches as red energy crackled over his body.. and suddenly he began to quickly regenerate.

"What is he? Immortal!?" Kuroko said. 

Gluttony screamed and launched himself at her again. But Kuroko was ready.  Taking in her entire surroundings with her sight, multiple giant boulders in the swamp suddenly dissappeared and re-appeared in front of her, blocking her from view as Gluttony's momentum took him crashing straight through the stones, damaging him slightly while Kuroko teleported into the sky.

As a Level 5, Kuroko knew she would normally be more than capable of taking down this giant lug of a monster, but unfortunately, most of the giant objects in this swamp were either too large to teleport, like the mountain sized trees, or too small to do any real damage. Just teleporting objects into this beast wasn't going to work.

Time to get tricksy.

Gluttony noticed Kuroko in mid air and cried out with ravenous glee before launching himself into the air again.

Kuroko smirked and suddenly, her body shifted and multiple Kurokos appeared all over the sky.. causing Gluttony's eyes to widen with confusion as one of the Kuroko clones rolled out of the way in mid air.

"WHA!!!?" Gluttony screamed right before he crashed into another ginormous tree with a boom, creating a large wooden crater.

"You're teleporting between multiple locations at once to make doppelgangers, in order to confuse Gluttony.. not bad." said Lust. "But unfortunately for you.. we both have regeneration powers making us far superior to even odd humans like you... Gluttony's going to outlast you.. "

"Lust! This is getting aggravating!" said Gluttony, standing up as the multiple Kuroko clones landed all around him, their images shifting like holograms. "I wanna eat her already!!"

"Fine GLuttony.." said Lust, as her fingernails lengthened and grew into long blades. "I guess I'll help you kill her then... this IS getting kind of boring anyways."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now