The Tournament Begins: Find The Arena!

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Mikoto awoke the next morning in her family's room, to hear somebody shuffling around, muttering to his self.

Mikoto turned her head carefully, so as not to spook the intruder.

She received a shock.

It wasn't noticeable at first, but everything in the room had either been adjusted or duplicated.  There was no longer just a painting of a bowel of fruit, but a mirror version of the painting on the wall opposite of it.. same went for the beds.. and practically everything else, which had been made so that each side of the room looked exactly alike, and not just alike.. but perfect.  Each painting was perfectly straight.. the carpet was smooth, clean and crisp...

And there was a boy in the middle of doing all of this, adjusting Mikoto's family picture so that it stood up perfectly straight.

He had black hair, with white lines on one side of his head.. and wore a suit with a skull shaped brooch.

"Symmetry.." muttered the boy. "Everything... must be in perfect balance."

"Huh? Who are you?"  Miyoko had come out of the bathroom, a toothbrush still in her mouth.

The boy stared at Miyoko. "No.. that choppy hair style!!! NO!! That's.. it's abhorrent.. an abomination!! Asymmetrical trash!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

The boy whipped out a razor and a pair of scissors. "This won't do!! Must... make.. SYMMETRICAL!!!"

"BACK OFF SCHIZOPHRENIC!" Miyoko growled, electricity crackling from her bangs and raising her fists.

"Hey!" said Mikoto, jumping out of bed. "Leave my daughter alone!! What the hell are you doing in the Multiverse 777 suite!?"

"Oh! My apologies!" said the boy. "Death The Kid is the name.. but actually, I was only passing by.. then I noticed the door was slightly open which prompted me to notice a picture on the wall inside that was slightly crooked, so I went to fix that... which prompted me to notice a  small stain on the wall.. which I needed to fix.. and then... I noticed..."

Kid went on for quite a bit. "And then after I turned the ceiling fan exactly 80 centimeters to the right, I just HAD to fix the complete lack of balance on the-"

Miyoko gave Kid a furious glare and raised a hand to the nearby fruit bowl painting, using a finger to tilt it slightly.

"WHAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Kid screamed, falling over, blood spraying from his nostrils.

"Really?" said Mikoto.

"Hey.. what he gets for trying to correct my hair." Miyoko grumbled.

"WHAT!? WHO!?" Touma bolted awake, as did Mira Jr. and Luce, as there was a scuffle outside in the main living room of the suite.  "What's going on!?"

"Oooookayyy." said Luce, looking around the room's frighteningly perfect order. "That's.. creepy."

"It's not creepy! It's balanced!!!" Kid roared, bolting back to his feet. "Everything must be kept in perfect balance! Everything must have symmetry or it's trash!!  UHH!?"

Kid stared at Luce.. "Y-you.."

"Huh?" said Luce, blinking.

"You're... you're... incredible.. such beauty.."

"Oh... " said Luce, pink patches appearing on her cheeks.

"That hair... it looks exactly the same on each side!!"

"oh..." Luce said, now frowning.

"And the proportions on each side of your body.. You're... you're perfectly symmetrical.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now