Hisoka The Ring Master.

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The manliest manly man besides Elfman in existence v.s. the creepiest pedophile in existence besides Asgawrath! What can go wrong!?

-Twilight Prankster 

"Well, that was amazing." said Nami with a smirk, clapping Erza on the back. "You showed that pink wannabe what it really means to be all rosey!"

Erza sighed. "I will admit, he almost had me there, that armor really drains the stamina, I should've stuck with the God Fairy Armor instead, but I wanted to test my limits. How is Freya?"

"She needed plenty of stitches." said Chopper. "But thanks to Wendy's healing magic she should be getting better now."

Wendy indeed, was crouched next to Freya, using magic to close her wounds. She had grown tall and beautiful after 10 years, with long hair. Though, unfortunately, she remained as small chested as Mikoto was at her age. (A sore point on many levels for her). 

She was probably the one with the most dramatic physical change among Fairy Tail's strongest team, most of whom looked pretty much the same thanks to the effects of Dragon Born aura on the health and youth. (if you saw the painting done by Reedus in the anime and manga of what Wendy would like after the 7 year time skip, you'd get an accurate picture of what she looks like now.)

Wendy nodded at everyone

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Wendy nodded at everyone. "She should be okay.. she's a really tough girl, like her mother."

Erza smiled at Wendy. "Tougher than me actually in plenty of respects."

"No kidding.." Tatsu muttered to Miyoko, who nodded fervently. The both of them had been on the receiving end of Freya's angry tongue lashings before. Just like with Gray and Natsu before them, Freya always managed to keep them in line, whether by scolding.. or by an armored fist to the side of the head. She was considered to be the strongest of Fairy Tail's younger generation, besides Wendy and Luce of course.

(Think of them as the new 3 Monster Girls, Mikoto, Mirajane, and Erza)

"The next match should be starting soon." said Zoro. "I want to see what these other fighters are made of."

"Why? It's not like you have to know." said Natsu. "You're not the one fighting in this tournament!"

Zoro gave Natsu a sour look.

"Oh.. I see." said Mikoto. "I'm sorry.. but I would've considered you if you asked.. "

"What's the deal?" said Natsu looking confused.

"He's sore I didn't pick him for the tournament." said Mikoto with an apologetic smile.

"Ain't I at least stronger than that Kuroko girl?" said Zoro. "Plus I have more experience in combat."

"True." said Mikoto, giving Zoro an apologizing bow. "Really, next time I'll pick you.. promise."

"That really a good idea though?" said Franky. "Zoro would've gotten Suuuuper lost in that maze..."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now