Natsu's Bizarre Adventure.

601 30 26

(see if you can see the rampant misuse of Jojo memes in this chapter.)

"Killua wait up!!!"

A boy, who was still in his young preteen years ran after his best friend, the two of them sloshing through the forest.

The boy had spiky black hair, a fishing rod poking out of his back pack, and green clothing. His friend, a white haired boy, with a white sweatshirt and black shorts, with a skateboard tucked under one arm.

"Come on Gon.. we've got to keep moving." said Killua, the white haired boy. "If we stay out in the open too long, some of the fighters will be coming after us.."

"But we don't have to fight.. " said Gon.

"Yeah, but the gods know that the fighters will use this opportunity to try and eliminate the other teams and competition.. it's quite ingenious actually." said Killua. "There are litterally thousands to millions of contestants.. this is a good way to cut down the number. And plenty of the fighters in this place are disturbing.. so the best thing to do is to avoid conflict altogether."

"Alright then." said Gon.

"Hold it." Killua threw out an arm to stop Gon.. what's that?"

Killua and Gon crept forward.. and took a peek through the swampy tall grass..

Immediately, Killua broke out into a terrified cold sweat.

There they were, Boros, Mikoto, and Diablo, staring each other down silently, neither one saying a word.

"Who are they?" Gon muttered.

Killua could barely speak. "G-Gon.. b-back away slowly."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Th-they're... strong... n-not just strong... th-those three.. we're just... ants to them.. no.. smaller than ants.. smaller than the meekest bug.. "

Gon gulped, his eyes wide. "A-are you serious?"

"No joke.. just.. b-back aways.. as slow as possible.. carefully. Hopefully they're too focused on each other to be bothered with us."

"Oh rest assured, they know you're there."

Gon and Killua gave a start, and saw that Hisoka was sitting in a tree branch above them.

"H-Hisoka!?" said Gon. "What are you doing here?!"

"It so happens the god that organized my team has an overlapping jurisdiction with your god." said Hisoka. "As such.. our world can provide team members to both parties.. "

Hisoka smiled, pointing down at the trio still staring it out. "They've been like this for a total of 3 days.."

"What!?" said Killua. "Three days into the competition and they haven't moved?"

"You see, they're at a bit of a stalemate right now." said Hisoka. "Both Misaka and Boros are nearly evenly matched, they can sense this properly now... however, Diablo Supreme is more powerful then each of them. Surely however, if Misaka and Boros were to team up.. they'd surely be able to match Diablo.. but neither of them can tell who will team up with who... Misaka can't tell if Boros would rather team up with Diablo.. and Boros knows that if he teams up with the greater power, he can easily crush Misaka.. but likely, Diablo would be able to betray him easily with Misaka out of the way.. and Boros is unaware of what kind of relationship that Misaka and Diablo have.. but is SURE that because of their near identical appearance, there must be some sort of relation..."

"I see.. they can't act without ascertaining with who each one's loyalty will temporarily form a truce." said Killua. "A stalemate indeed... so they've been forced to merely keep each other in their sights until they can find out how the battle's going to go.."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now