The Misaka Family Of Fairy Tail

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"The points stand as thus." exclaimed the voice from within the room. "Elohim's team stands with 84 points.. 30 points were added for Mikoto Misaka's use of extraordinary hand to hand techniques, 20 points were added for the Dragon Born abilities, 10 points were added for the use of a power that had been previously unknown to the judges, and 20 points for the Knockout. For showing an immense growth thanks to training, 4 points were also added..

"Next stands Zen-Oh's team at 80 points. Both warriors show an incompetency in Teamwork, however, their technique and martial arts prowess has earned them 40 points each."

"Tsk.." Vegeta muttered as Goku helped him up. "Points? We made it in just barely, by sheer numbers? Damn it!!"

"Come on Vegeta, don't be so grumpy." said Goku. "At least we can stay here and fight more guys to get stronger right?"

"Is that all you care about?" Mikoto asked.

"Huh?" said Goku, staring at Mikoto. 

"Nothing.." Mikoto muttered, still kind of glaring at Goku.

Natsu noticed the cold attitude immediately and raised an eyebrow. It was a sign of how much he had grown over the years that he didn't immediately jump into a ridiculous outburst.

As the door to the room opened up, and Mikoto and Natsu made to leave, Natsu frowned at Mikoto. "Don't you think you're kinda jumping to conclusions? How long have we even known the guy?"

"I saw into his memories." said Mikoto.


"Somewhat.. I only do it when I get suspicious though." said Mikoto. "he may seem like a great guy at first.. but he's reckless and absolutely selfish. At first I thought he might be like you or Luffy when I met him.. but during our battle, I could see the overwhelming addiction he had to our fight.. as if it were a drug to him.. and that had me worried.. so I read the nerve patterns in his brain, and used the electrical signals to access his memories."

Mikoto glared back at the confused Goku over her shoulder. "He's no hero.. all the things he's done has always been done by accident.. and whenever he does do something, he does it for the thrill of a fight. Frieza almost won the day he and him fought because he decided to let Frieza power up instead of take him down and instantly save millions of lives..

Mikoto turned away. "The fight was pretty fun, I'll admit.. but guys like Goku.. who consider their own desires and addictions and thrills before the good of others and their responsibilities... those are the type of people I absolutely abhor."

(Watch the Universe Survival Arch and you'll get exactly what Mikoto means. How much of a douche bag Toriyama meant for Goku to be from the beginning.)

"I don't know.. doesn't really strike me as a bad guy ya know.." said Natsu. 

"I know.. I don't think he's evil.. I just think he's the Omegaverse's biggest idiot." said Mikoto, her eyebrow twitching. "If you ask me.. somebody needs to teach him a lesson and wake him up to how many people he's been hurting.. if I know he's learned his lesson.. MAYBE I'll stop being cold.. until then.. what a jerk."

"Why don't you teach him a lesson then?"

"Cause I don't think he's the type of guy who actually listens to people." Mikoto growled. "Not to people like me anyways.. and he's a middle aged guy now. The chance that he's going to change are sadly pretty low."

"Mamma Mamma!!" Mira Jr. ran over and hugged her mother's waist. "THAT WAS SOOO COOL!"

"You did great." said Touma with what appeared to be a relieved smile as he put an arm around Mikoto's shoulder. 

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now