Arrival In The World of the Gods

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"Wow... incredible." said Mikoto. "Umm... is it really okay to have something THAT big taking us?"

Mikoto stared at the massive ship docked in the sky over Magnolia town, feeling a little shocked.

"And.. why does the hull say U.S.S. Enterprise?" said Mira Jr. as she helped hull a large duffle bag and a few lawn chairs over with the rest of the guild who were all holding sports supplies and their own usual sporting event necessities.

Suddenly, there was a giant puff of confetti and smoke, and Twilight Prankster appeared before everyone. "Well, hurry on board everyone! Seriously, better not make a scratch on anything, cause if Piccard knows I'm the one that borrowed this, he's gonna be more on my ass than he is with Q.  Seriously, between me and Q, I'm wondering which interdimensional being is more of an asshole. I mean, at least Q never actually stole the Enterprise... physically at least.."

"So.. uh... beam us up Scotty?" Mikoto said.

"Nah.. then we'll get PMs from all our fans with philosophical mumbo jumbo about whether or not whoever's beamed up and put back together again is the same person or just a copy." said Prankster, shaking his head.  "I can't TAKE Star Trek Philosophy! I mean I get it , it makes the series interesting but-"

"Prankster.. can we please get on board already?"

"Right right.. hold on.. no need for beaming when you've got a convenient plot device like me around."

Prankster snapped his fingers.. and instantaneously, the group found themselves aboard the bridge, and by the sound of it, plenty of other guild members were scattered all around the ginormous star ship.

And to top it off, there was also Chappity, the announcer of the Power Development Festival, King Fiore, and the entire Academy City News Network.

"Uhhh." Mikoto said, blinking. "Since when-?"

"When a Universe is allowed fighters in the Omegaversal Tournament, it's required that universe's media covers the whole thing.. it IS watched all over reality you know." said Prankster. "No way the gods wouldn't want to show off to all us puny mortals.."

"You're a god."

"They're bigger gods.. so we're mortals to them anyways." said Prankster. "Yo! Yajima! Didn't know you were coming along too!"

The chef of the best restaurant in Fiore, and a former member of the Magic Council, Yajima smiled and waved, standing next to his old friend Makarov.

"Gramps invited him." said Mikoto.

"I hope you don't get up to any more mischief on this particular trip Prankster." said Yajima. "I heard your Multiversal hijinks have been getting bolder lately."

"Heheheh.. well, I like to broaden my horizons when it comes to trolling the unsuspecting!" said Prankster with a twinkle in his black eyeholes.  "Oh.. and News guys.. or whatever! Don't worry about your cameras.. they've been enchanted personally by me so that they can cover all your stuff live from any dimension you may be in.. all our buddy boys back home are tuning in right now!"

"A truly revolutionary undertaking! The Omegaversal Tournament!!" Chappity exclaimed. "I am Chappity here! Covering it to you live! And in person!! And perhaps I'll also be the first to ask if Lucy Heartfillia's boobs have really doubled in size since last we interviewed!!"

"They have?" said Tatsu, looking up at his mother, who scowled at Chappity and held up a throbbing fist.

"I would thank you not to talk about my boob size in front of my kids you stupid little-."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now