Stretchy Bros. Luffy V.S. Majin Buu

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"It appears a battle's happened somewhere.." muttered Boros.

Back in a dark waiting room in the giant castle floating castle, Boros stood, having sensed the energy from the Misaka Family's fight. 

"Ffuffuffuffu.. " a low chuckle interrupted Boro's thoughts. "Out and about again Boros?"

"Doflamingo.." said Boros. "I don't remember asking for your commentary."

A tall man walked forward, wearing a terrible wide grin and pink sunglasses as well as a pink feather cape over his neck that draped down like  cloak, as well as a white shirt and extravagant pants and shoes.. like his name would suggest he actually kind of resembled a flamingo.. an evil one at least.

Donquixote Doflamingo continued to grin like a mad psychopath

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Donquixote Doflamingo continued to grin like a mad psychopath. "Obsessing over that girl?"

"Her family.. I can sense it.. some of her kin were involved in a scuffle.. " said Boros. "Did Lord Wrathas send somebody to capture them?"

"That is none of your concern.." said a soft voice.

Diablo Supreme walked out into the room.. her eyes glowing with molten power. 

"Oh.. somebody from Wrathas's team eh?" said Doflamingo with a wider grin yet. "Interesting.. I hear it's the only team to consist of Numensapiens.. fun fun fun.."

"Master Diablo.. shall I destroy them..?"

A girl walked out from behind Diablo Supreme. She bore neat blonde hair and glowing blue eyes.. and a school uniform.. however, her joints seemed slightly segmented, and there was a clicking sound when she walked.. and if one looked closely at the girl's eyes.. one could see they turned slightly, like a dial.. or a camera's lens.

"Ahh.. I've heard of you.. Androidia.. the first artificial Numensapien." said Boros. "Didn't the mad scientist Oculus Zane create you?"

"He is my original creator, correct.." said Androidia pointing her hand at Doflamingo. Her wrist clicked, and her hand flipped off her wrist like a lid, revealing a metallic barrel glowing with green energy. "At your word Master Diablo.."

"That won't be necessary Androidia." said Diablo. "He is but an ant to us."

"Understood." said Androidia, her hand clicking back into place.

"Ffuffuffuffuffu.." Doflamingo laughed again. "Such a neat toy. But any case.. I won't antagonize you... I have only one goal in mind.. and I shan't get in your way as long as you honor a request I have."

"Which is?" said Diablo.

"Leave me Monkey D. Luffy.. whatever Lord Wrathas  is after.. I want Luffy's head all to myself.." said Doflamingo, his grin turning wide as veins popped on his forehead, and he clenched his fist so hard, that blood dripped from his palms. "That boy.. is going to be my fodder.. fffufffuffuffuf.... Straw Hat.. is my ONLY reason for entering this tournament."

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