Frieza Rising

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"You were FANTASTIC MAMA!!" Miyoko hugged her mother in the hotel room, as the rest of Fairy Tail chatted with each other.. holding drinks and food, celebrating the massive victory, as well as Usopp's return.

Mikoto merely smiled and tussled her daughter's hair as she watched Usopp talk with Luffy.

"I'm telling ya Luffy!" said Usopp. " I don't remember what happened when Vetranos killed me! It's like my memory just went kapoot, and the next thing I know, I'm hanging out with Rukia's friends in Soul Society.."

"Vetranos's poison is that of a god's it can destroy memory, even rip souls to pieces, you're lucky that the Wish Dragon Shenron was able to find enough left of you to resurrect." said Elohim. "Insanely lucky in fact.. I doubt even the Golden Shenron from the Super Dragon Balls could do anything if the poison damaged more than your memory"

"Jeez.. I was THAT lucky!?" Usopp stammered. "I never wanna have to deal with gods again!"

"Guess it wasn't a waste sending him to investigate after all.." said Luffy.

"Sending who to investigate?" said Usopp. 

"Oh yeah! Mikoto sent Frieza to look up the situation on how you died!" said Luffy cheerilly.

"Oh oka- WAIT FRIIIIEEZAAAA!? " screamed Usopp. "YOU'RE JOKING!!!"

"It's alright.." said Mikoto. "I sent somebody to keep an eye on him.. besides Prankster's spells I mean.."

"Really?" said Natsu, looking up. "Who?"

"Somebody who, unlike us.. will have no problem killing the guy if he toes the line.." Mikoto said. 


"Hmmm... quite a quaint and happy place.." Frieza mused as he strolled through the streets, watching spirits go about their business. "Quite a fitting place to rule.. if should surpass the gods.. and I will.. ohohohoho... oh yes I will.. "

As Frieza strolled through the City meant for the greatest among deities, he did not feel privilaged, nor did he feel envy, though that would've been an understandable for somebody as despicable and horrifying as him.

No.. he felt.. anticipation..

He had endured much these past years.. many years they had been. He had watched the guild keeping him prisoner grow... he had seen Mikoto's own children go from babies to the age they were now... 

From the time he was a Gold Fish as Mikoto's 17th birthday present, captured by Twilight Prankster after his failed revenge on Son Goku and Vegeta.. to the present day.. he had been humiliated... kept prisoner by those who held values that made him sick with spite..

After Mikoto had been brought back to life.. Frieza himself had been relieved to find that he was no longer a fish.. however, his life did not get any less humiliating..

His captors.. attempted to reform him.. HIM... Frieza.. the one who should be ruling them.. crushing them beneath his feet... making them squirm like the pathetic worms they were.

That stupid Sky Dragon girl.. Wendy.. would attempt to show him kindness.. she would talk to him, try to engage him in conversation.. and attempt to ask Frieza to do some horrid vomit inducing task.. such as.. feeding birds.. or.. petting.. cats.. Stupid wretched disgusting cute puppies.. how he wanted to WRENCH their little heads off and laugh at that stupid girl's shocked face..

And that horrid Mirajane Girl even offered to make him a MEMBER of that guild as long as he was a prisoner.. as if he would allow that disgusting mark to be worn upon his person.  He was Frieza.. Emperor of All... he did not make friends.. he ruled the weak.. and stepped on those who dared to think they could stand on the same pedestal he was so worthy to stand upon.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, Diablo Saga 7: Finale Part 1.Where stories live. Discover now