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"I only wish you were on my side" 


He grabbed my arm angrily and pulled me outside. I was scared but silent. He dragged me to the car and told me to get in. I got in the car hesitantly.

"Just tell me who the fuck you think you are exactly? Embarrassing me like that!" 

He slammed on the petal and we took off. I stayed silent and looked down. 

"It isn't rhetorical lexi! It's not fucking rhetorical!" He back handed me hard.

I whispered and responded " I- I just wanted to talk to somebody you know? Every once and a while I get lonely."

"You fucking have me for that shit!"

"Well maybe YOU don't fulfill that need Zayn."

"Don't get a fucking attitude with me. I don't know who you think you are but I'll wipe that attitude straight off that ignorant face of yours."

"Do you think before you say what you say Zayn? That hurts..more than your abuse actually."

"I Don't abuse you. I simply put you in check. There's a difference."

I glared at him. Everything he was saying was grinding into me like a sharp shard of glass. Maybe I should've controlled myself.

"Really? Last time I checked Zayn, you didn't own me. Nobody does. I'll do what I want and talk to who I want. You can't stop me. YOU don't own me."

He stayed silent and gripped the steering wheel hard. I should've kept my mouth shut. Stupid. Just stupid. He's driving faster than ever. It felt good standing up to him though. The only thing is now he's pissed off more than I've seen him in a while yet he says nothing. Maybe I've won? Maybe he gets it?

"You're an idiot you know. You're in grave danger right now."

I looked back to see who said that. A man with brown hair and brown eyes who is unfamiliar to me, sits in the back seat.

"If I were you, I'd contemplate what you're going to do next."

"Who are you?"

"You remember me. I'm your best friend? I've been with you this whole time."

"Uhmmm....I think not."

"I think yes."

Just then Zayn grabbed me by the hair and whipped my head across the dash board. Everything went blurry and rung bells. He was yelling about something. I just couldn't hear it. We pulled up to the house and I instantly got out trying to figure out where the hell I was. I walked into the house and found the stairs of which I started to climb. That's when Zane came in.

"I'm not done with you yet" he said walking over.

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me down to the floor. I couldn't move. I was weak. I was drowsy. I tried to stand but he started kicking me. One, two, three blows to the stomach. He got on my back and wrapped an arm around me neck choking me. I about passed out. He let go and flipped me on my back repeatedly kicking my head and face. I cried and begged him to stop. He didn't. I could feel the blood pile underneath my head.

"Don't you ever think you can just show me up. Why don't you fight back huh? Huh? Talking to people you don't even know let alone me. I fucking own you. You're mine and you do as I say. Three years and you haven't figured it out yet?" He yelled in my face.

"Do I own you now lex?" He asked.

I made the mistake in shaking my head. I tried to crawl away. This must've set him off because I heard glass breaking and wood snapping. He's going bazerk. I've never seen him this way before. I was petrified. He mounted me and repeatedly choked me. I couldn't breath. I couldn't talk. Everything went blurry. My face was heavy. My heart slowed. Zayn faded. He finally stopped. I lay there, coughing, bleeding, and choking. He dragged me to the closet and opened the door. I wouldn't of minded being stuffed in a closet. Anything to get away. I realized he wasn't leaving me on the closet. He put my head in between the trim and the door.

"Admit it. I own you. Fucking admit it!" He screamed.

I again with all my strength shook my head. He bit his lip and closed his eyes. He said some prayer in Arabic that I couldn't understand. He the held his foot on my neck and slammed the closet door on my head. I screamed and cried. He did it again. I tried to move his foot and yet he did it again. I stopped making any noise because I physically couldn't. I layed there bleeding Rom my ears, nose, and mouth. My head had gashes in it I could no longer feel. He got close to my face. Too close for comfort.

"Who owns you?"

"You." I whispered the best I could.

"Good girl."

With that he walked upstairs. I must've passed out because before I knew it I was no longer on the floor partially in the closet. I was in a bed. Not mine but Zayn's. My head pounded and I felt like I had to vomit. Zayn came in and layed by my side.

"How do you feel?"


"Lexi. Please say something."

I stayed silent. No way was I about forgive him after that.

"Please lexi, I need to know that you're okay." He layed his cheek on mine.

"I-I...I can't tell."

He hugged me tightly and kissed me. Those hugs hurt because could still feel the blows to my stomach.

"Never again. Not like that. I'm sorry lexi. I'm sorry. I..I love you.

I was shocked. He never really said those three words before. Maybe he was sorry. I looked at him remorseful. Am I really forgiving him right now?

"I ..I love you too Zayn.."

With that he smiled and said he'd be back. He left the room and went downstairs. Oh did my head just kill. At that moment somebody walked in. The guy in the back seat last night.

"What do you need?" I asked kind of harshly.

"Making sure that you are okay..are you indeed, okay?"

"I guess...You saw what happened..You tell me."

"Lex, it's not like that."

"Why are we talking? I don't even fucking know your name..You should be done something." I said regretfully.

"Daren. You know me. Why do you act otherwise? I couldn't lexi. I couldn't. Please. Believe me. Why don't you just leave? I can get you a place st-"

I cute him off. "No. I'm fine here. Zayn and I are perfectly fine. Don't judge him. He's going through a hard time."

With that he sighed and looked down. "I'm trying to help."

"I don't need it."

"Fine. Get me if you open your eyes for once Kay?"

He walked out of the room and I assumed he left. Zayn came back in with a cup of tea.

"Here babe. You're favorite." He smiled

"Thanks...Zayn..can I ask you something?"

"Anything love."

"Who the hell is Daren to me? He acts like he knows me so well.. I can't remember though."

He looked down and sighed. "He was your best friend. Now..."

"Now what?"

"Now he isn't..whats it matter? We forgot him a while ago remember?"

"Not exactly..but sure..It's just..he was in here a while-"

Zayn cut me off "what? In here? Hell no.."

I got scared because I think I said something I shouldn't have. I looked down. Silence.

"I...I gotta go I have to do something.."

"Zayn please."

"Get off my case!" He pulled away and walked out.

What am I not getting?

Voices: zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now