Look What We've Done

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Who's that shadow holding me hostage I've been here for days
Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away
I know they'll be coming to find me soon
But I fear I'm getting used to being held by you





I run downstairs, scared out of my mind because I don't know if what I just witnessed was reality or fiction. Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I still am dreaming. I don't know, but I do know that I need to figure things out fast before they get out of hand. I run down to the kitchen and look for Jame's blonde hair. James is sitting on the edge of the counter, playing on his phone. I run up to him, panicked. He is startled by my sudden motion of actions.

"What's wrong love?" he asks me, completely unaware of the situation.

"James did you not hear the door slam like crazy upstairs? Did you not come to check up on me when I was freaking out? Where is Darren? He had to of come down here since he isn't up there anymore," I say freaked out.

He shoots me a blank look.

"Oh my God just tell me you heard the door?" I beg sincerely.

Another blank look "I didn't hear anything babe. I've been down here finishing up the dishes from breakfast and on twitter arranging my photo shoot opportunities. What did you say about Darren coming down here?" he asks me obliviously.

I sigh and hold a hand up to my forehead, removing my bands from my eyes "I'm crazy aren't I?"

James puts a hand on my shoulder "Baby don't say that. You know you aren't crazy."

"I am though! Darren was just here James I saw him! I know what I saw!"

"Okay okay," he says trying to calm me down, "if he was here, he isn't anymore. He probably left when you weren't around or paying attention. I definitely didn't see him, but he probably wasn't looking for my company anyways."

I pout to myself trying to figure out what is happening. Darren was bleeding from his eyes and ears. What was that about? He wasn't like that at the beginning of our conversation, so what am I missing? I would hate to let my thoughts get the best of me. I remember a while back I was looking up his name on an article after waking up in bed. The article stated Darren Saunder's death. I was so confused and when I had asked him about it, he told me I would see things more clearly as time went along. He also told me about the car accident I got into with Zayn, which is how I lost my memory. That doesn't explain the article though. Is Darren...no. I'm just over thinking things. I have to be.

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I have to get away from everybody for a while. I want to think by myself and talk alone. I need to do my research. I call Darren with no answer. I call him several times, but get nothing but his voice mail on the other end. I text him, telling him to text and call me ASAP. of course, no response. I'm so frustrated.

I walk into the room with our computer and search Darren's name again. I need to read into that article again. I eventually pull up the same article from the previous site I found it from. I continue on, finding the spot that I left off of. I instantly get chills when I read "The Death of Darren Saunders, Murdered At 21." I continue and force myself to read on, searching for every last detail I can.

"A murder so gruesome, so hostile, only an animal could have done with such force. It was obvious that there was no mercy felt within the actions of the proceedings. Police still find it hard to pinpoint who the murderer could have been. There are no known evidence pieces or fingerprints that could lead to the simplest of suspects. Authorities can only guess at this point. Darren was linked to a close and well-known friendship with Lexi Bethany, a once local college student. They were always seen hanging around shops, malls, and coffee shops. They had a close friendship after they met at school. Lexi had all of sudden stopped attending classes for periods of time, with nowhere to be seen. There was rumor of her romantic relationship with well-known famous band mate Zayn Malik, but there was no proof of the relationship beings that they were never seen talking or in public. Lexi was reportedly seen in a car with Zayn, moments after Darren's death. Lexi and Zayn had gotten in a car accident two and a half hours prior to Darren's death. She was found alive, but barely breathing with several abrasions to the skull and torso. She suffered a major coma and relapsed with a broken collar bone and severed lung. Zayn suffered a fractured wrist and leg. The car accident is what led to the discovery of Darren Saunder's death, when authorities recovered Lexi's phone from the accident, revealing gruesome texts from Darren, moments before his death. These texts said things like "I'm on the verge of dying" and "please send help." When authorities tracked down the location of the texts, they found Darren, laying tongueless, nose less, and eyeless in an abandoned house's basement. The flesh of his face had been manually torn off by what is assumed to be human hands. His eyes had been repeatedly stabbed by a sharp object, assumed to be glass, until they were of a soup's consistency. Parts of his teeth were pulled out from his jawbone. His face was unrecognizable." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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