We don't wanna be like them-part 9

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I figured it out, saw the mistakes of up and down, meet in the middle, there's always room for common ground.


I was outrage when I read the headline title claiming

"Breaking E News: looks like Malik's got his hand on a brand new cutie. The Bradford bad boy was caught in the spotlight with Brazilian model Em rosewood. The cute couple was seen at the 'Ol Café' for some morning brunch and strolling around town. Are these dating rumors true?"

Zayn never officially made our relationship public and it used to always drive me insane. All these girls were all over him throwing themselves at him and of course he'd respond. Now I have mixed feeling. Zayn always told me not to believe the public press. I know he's cheated bunches of times before while he left me in the house. That must explain why he was all of a sudden always getting called into work early or "seeing a friend". I'm so pissed.

I walk upstairs with mixed thoughts and go to my room and lay in my bed. Not even wanting to think about him. I find a shirt of his under the blanket and throw it at the wall pissed off to no end. As I'm contemplating thoughts I hear the front door open.

"Babe? I'm home." Zayns voice annoys my earbuds.


He walks upstairs and I hear him peek into my room.

"Hey I'm back." He says cheekily.

Something about his esteem is off. Maybe I'm just paranoid right?

"Oh. Hey." I say back.

He sits on the edge of my bed and peers into my eyes, caressing my back.

"I missed you the whole time babe."

"Same." I say with no emotion.

"Is something wrong?" He asks seemingly innocent.

"No. Everything's fine." I say aggregated and sit up.

"Right that's why you're moody huh?"

"No I'm just tired."

"Well it's too early to sleep."

"At 9 pm? That's too early? Wow okay."

"Look I don't like your attitude Lexi and I'd like to suggest you watch yourself."

"Fine." I roll my eyes.

He stands up and pulls me a little too close for comfort and states daggers into my eyes.

"Fucking watch it. For your own good."


"What? You can't stand up to me now? You think it's okay to just get big and then back down when the big dogs bite? You're fucking weak!" He spits at me.

"At least I'm loyal." I manage to say looking down.

His eyes stop and he looks at me with no emotion.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"I said at least I'm loyal and I don't go out telling you otherwise just so I can get some other whores pussy!" I snort

He lunges at me and grabs my throat

"Where the fuck did you get that huh?"

"The TV."

"This is why I said don't watch the fucking TV when will you ever fucking listen?"

"Well at least the TV tells the fucking truth!" I shove him away.

I've never done that before and he didn't expect it. It took him by shock and he just looked at me for a second. He breathed angrily and told me something that basically admitted the truth.

"At least that bitch can suck a dick and ride it too." He glares at me.

I burst into tears and turn my head.

"Lexi shut the fuck up. You saw it coming. I don't want your fucking crocodile tears. I don't wanna deal with you. You always make it about you don't you? You think I revolve around you? Fuck that. Nobody out there even knows about us. Why do you try?"

Because you make me, is what I thought but instead of saying it I resorted to silence.

"Yeah that's right be fucking silent. That's all the fuck you do. You're so fucking ignorant. At least that bitch can talk to me. I fucking love you."

"What? You love me? How the fuck can you do that if you love me? I-"

I was cut off by a harsh slap to my face. Zayn lingers towards me and I try running away. He grabs me by the hair pulling me down to the floor mounting on top of me. He chocked me and kept yelling how much he loved me and told me to say it back. My dumbass resisted it. He chocked me and all I started to see was blur and black. I blacked out and woke up to the harsh light outside. I stood up and saw a pool of blood under me. This made me outraged. First he cheats then leaves me? Fuck him too. I got up and started ripping clothes out of my closet. I took out some bags and placed them on the floor. I threw handfuls of clothes and zipped up the bags. I then went into the bathroom grabbing everything I needed. Fuck this house and fuck him. He's probably at the studio acting as if this shit never happened. I'll do the same when I walk out. I put my bags around my shoulder and opened my bedroom door.

Voices: zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now