What about love? Part-13

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I don't care, I'm not scared of love.


I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes from the window. I quickly turned to the other side of my bed wishing to find something, someone. I decided to get a grip on myself. I've been free for five months. Literally free. No crazy mother, no crazy boyfriend. Just me.

I'm hungry so I texted Darren and Mariah and told them to meet me up at the café. I got up and messed up my messy hair even more, enjoying the look. I put on a cute little white half shirt and some shorts. One thing I will admit is that I love the freedom of choice in clothes that I now have. Zayn would've flipped if he saw me in this back then. I need to stop thinking of him.

I went out into the living room and found a note on the table in Harry's handwriting. It read:

"dear lex, I went to the studio and the grocery store. I'll be coming back home later tonight. Be safe, and remember to keep the doors locked. Xoxo- Harry."

I smiled and walked outside. I began to walk towards the café, passing by birds and water. It's a nice day. I soon made my way up to the café and walked into the doors. I scanned the place and found Darren and Mariah seated in a corner booth and I made my way over there. I joined them and ordered the usual latte I got.

"Hey guys!" I smiled as they both greeted me.

"So, what's up? Need anything or wanna chat about anything in particular darling?" Asked Mariah

"No, I'm just hungry and well I guess I did wanna chat but not about anything specific." I respond

"Mhm well good because I'm super starved." Darren says as he signals the waitress over.

She walks over and prepares to take our order. I order a pretty big breakfast.

"Ya know, Zayn would have never let you eat like that." Mariah scolds

"Zayns not here." I say

"He always told you that you were fat and you ate too much. Pathetic. You're muscle and bones. Petite yet thick with vitamins. Perfect." Says Darren

"Hey, I prefer thick over bones." I shrug

"I prefer bones." Mariah mocks

"Is that so? I can tell." Darren laughs

"Hey! Watch it." Mariah points a finger at him

Darren smiles "anyways, hear from him lately?"

"Who?" I asked dumbfounded

"Zayn duh!" Mariah shouts

I shush her "no. Jeez"

Darren shoots me a look "surprisingly, he scares every girl or well even animal he walks by with his attitude and he's way too cocky. He has the 'sexy and I know it' attitude. Annoying as fuck I'll tell you what."

I felt uncomfortable.

"Leave the guy alone. He's old news." Mariah shrugs

I looked out the window.

I miss him, I thought silently to myself.

Just then, the café door rang open. Speak of the devil. It's Zayn. He's not alone. He's with some blonde girl.


I quickly hide my face. He finds a seat located right in front of us. At least his back is facing us though.

"Shit!" I say under my breath.

Darren shoots me a cunning smile.

Please don't, I thought. Darren started making loud chuckling noises and grunts as Mariah watched, chuckled, and nudged him. I try so hard to stay calm and not freak out. Darren keeps making loud noises trying to get the attention span on Zayn. Eventually, Zayn turned around with confused eyes, and then stood up. He walked over.

"Hey lexi." He smiled completely ignoring the others.

"Hi." I said blushing and hiding my face in a menu.

"I didn't even see you in here." He smiled again

"Well hello to you too mate." Darren excuses

"Hi." Zayn says and shrugs away continuing to me "sorry I had to leave on such quick notice the other night." He says

Darren shoots me a look but I ignore it "oh it's fine you had to go." I said

"Kind of." He half smiles.

"Who's your little friend?" Darren asks aggravated

"Her names Melissa and she's my erm..date." Zayn mumbles

My heart ached. I felt it in my stomach. Are they supposed to go that low?


"Mhm how long?" Darren questions

"Just a few weeks." Zayn responds

WHAT?! I think to myself. What the fuck man?! I mean it's not like I care.. We are a past thing now.

"She's pretty hot." Darren smirks "she good in bed yet?"

Zayn foolishly smiles and shrugs the conversation off. "She's a keeper though." He laughs

I actually wanted to know because now I really don't like her and I'm pissed at Zayn too. Who the hell does he think he is? And he didn't even bother to tell me last night! Humph whatever I guess. I roll my eyes and for some reason say something only the unimaginable would think of saying.

"That's good for you Zayn. I'm happy for you." I state. "It's mine and Darren's what, three week anniversary now?"

Zayn gets big eyes and so does Darren. Mariah opens her mouth the size of Texas.

"We're what? Our what?" Darren stutters

"Our three week babe." I smile and he catches on

"Oh yes of course." He redeems himself.

Zayn is caught staring and quickly redeems himself by smiling. What went through my head and why the hell did I say that? Oh my lord.

"Well I better attend to Melissa, I don't wanna be rude. I'll see you later Lexi." Zayn sits back down.

"What was that?" Darren asks me confused

"I-I I dunno but it worked okay so there."

"It worked with what? I mean I didn't know if any plans like that?" Darren says

"To-uhm- make him go away." I chuckle aware of my lie

Mariah shoots me a look and smiles shaking her head. She knows. Darren stares off thinking.

"Well what did he mean when he said sorry about having to go? I thought you weren't supposed to see him." Said mariah and Darren agreed.

"I-I" sighs "He kind of came over while Harry was away but keep it on the hush hush k?"

"You're naughty!" Says Darren

"It's not like I meant it? He just kind of came over and in just like that."

"Mhm I saw the way you looked at him." Darren smiled

"Not that I agree with how you feel though." Scolded Mariah.

"Hey, we're a past thing now okay? No going back."

"Oh yeah especially since we're together, honey." Darren mocked

I laughed and we switched the conversation to something more normal. We are the rest of our breakfast and carried onward back to our homes. I had a lot to think about.

Voices: zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now