Cold and colder -part 5

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"I've missed these moments. The memories they bring." 


I quietly snuck downstairs. Every time the stairs made a creak I panicked. Zayn happens to be such a light sleeper. Getting out of bed is a hazard alone. I reached the door and lightly unlocked the lock. I pulled the door open and took a breath of fresh air. It felt good.

I walked on outside. I couldn't take a car because I don't know where Zayn leaves the keys and it would wake him up anyways. I was content on walking. My cell phone began ringing. Thank God I wasn't in the house. I answered.


"Hey, need a ride?" Daren asked cheerfully.

"Yeah that would help so much. I can't be out long though okay?"


After about fifteen minutes, a black corvette showed up. I opened the door and got in.

"Nice car dare bear." I realized what I said and covered my mouth.

"You always used to call me that. Man did your boy hate it."

"Yeah he..He's protective."

"I can tell. He seems a little mean ya know lex?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Like...You know..has he ever hit you?"

"What? No that's crazy. No Daren."

"You just lied to me lex. I saw it that night. Remember?"

I felt foolish. "Oh."

Daren changed the subject and we continued talking. Everyday talk. We talked about the city, the United states, my parents. We talked a lot. He truly did feel like my best friend. I haven't seen my parents since I left the state's to live with Zayn. This really ticked my mother off. Eventually she ended up moving to London as well. Thirty Minutes away from us. Now this ticked me off.

I can see why.

We pulled up to a restaurant. It was small and cute. It was cozy. We went in to chat and get something eat. I really wasn't fond of eating though. I guess you could call me insecure.



"Did Zayn tell you everything?"

"Yup. I can't. I can't really interpret this."

" I know. It's hard. It'll all be clear soon."

"He said there's still more."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

"I wanna know everything. Now."

"You need to give these things time. Besides. Zayn loves you right? Yeah he does."

This brought a thought to my head. I stirred my straw around my drink and looked down.

"What is it?"

"He never says it."

"Says what?"

"Those words. The forbidden words."

"What? I love you?"

"Yeah. Three years. He barely says it. When he does he never says it seriously."

"If he didn't love you he wouldn't have done all he could."

"I suppose."

Just then a girl walks into the restaurant. She shouted my name as if she knew me. Turns out she did know me. Her name's Mariah. I assume she was an old friend I have forgotten after the accident.

"Lexi how have you been?" She asked me delightfully

"I've been okay."

"You don't remember do you?"

"You? No. Not exactly. I'm just remembering Daren." I said a little humorously

"Well, we were good friends. Oh and Daren. A good man he is. You and I were never really close but you took care of lex."

"Oh..It's nothing." He blushed.

"May I get in contact with you some time for tea or coffee?" She asked me

"Um sure." I doubtfully gave her my digits and she walked out cheerfully.

Daren and I continued our chat. We talked about the wreck, my family, my old friends, Zayn, our friendship, and so fourth. I must admit I was having a really good time. Daren is quite a charm and he has a sense of humor. I can't imagine him being single with that smile of his. I had to ask.

"So." I sipped my drink "do you have a girlfriend?"

He timidly looked away and said "no. I - I mean I did but we're a past thing now."

"Oh." I looked down ashamed in a way

"Yeah. She, well the relationship was fun. As a matter of fact we did everything together."


"Yeah. I lost her. That's the only thing that kept us apart." He said with teary eyes

I wasn't sure if he meant he lost her because she left or that he literally lost her. I figured it wasn't my place ask. He continued on telling me about their relationship together. He told me about how they always went to the state fairs the minute they opened and her favorite foods word for word. He must've really loved this girl. I figured it was probably best not to ask anymore questions about her. I didn't need him to be upset though he seemed excited talking about this girl. I don't know her name but for some reason I don't really care.

I was so caught up in talking with Daren that I had forgotten how long I've been out. I checked the time and realized I've been out for two hours. All I could do was hope to God that Zayn hadn't woken up for something. He usually wakes up in the middle of the night to have me do something. Over three years, you'd think he could do things on his own but I guess he's in need of my assistance. I quickly finished the conversation and asked Daren to return me home.

It was obvious he knew something was strange.

"Is it Zayn? Did He call you?"

"No but I have a feeling he will if I don't hurry on home."

"I'm sorry to have kept you so long. The time didn't occur to me."

"It's my fault. I was so caught up in us talking I never realized. Honestly he didn't know I'm out." I said ashamed

"Oh.. I see. I think we should hurry then." He said worryingly

We took off from the restaurant and about 15 minutes into driving, before I knew it we were home. I thanked him and promised him we'd talk again some time. He smiled and thanked me as well though I'm not sure why. He drove off into the dark, chilled London air.

I walked up to the porch to prepare myself to walk in. I was scared of what might be on the other side of the door. I reached for the knob and twisted the handle. The door opened.

Voices: zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now