I'm sorry...Again

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I'm not a perfect person,

I never meant to do those things to you


"I need to talk to you. I heard you were angry with me." He says

"Darren, that doesn't mean bust into my freakin car!" I exclaim

"Yeah yeah. What's the deal buddy?"

"Don't act all damn sweet trying to cheer me on. I know you've been bothering Zayn."

"I don't bother him we just started talking again is all." He plays

"Talking to him is bothering him and I want you to stay away from him."

"What? Why? I never did no harm before Lex." He gets frustrated

"It's harm to him. He is trying to get better..you know that Darren."

"I know and I'm helping him. I've been walking him through everything."

"Oh God. That couldn't be good." I roll my eyes

"Oh hush. I've got this. You know I think he needs his medication upped."

"I know. I was just on my way to talk to his therapist." I say starting the car

"I'd better get going then. I'll call you then yes?"


"Goodbye Lex." He says exiting the car

I drive for a good hour before reaching his therapeutic office. I know I told Zayn that I'd go with him but frankly, I just don't trust him when it comes to his meds. He has a way of being quite sneaky when it comes to actually taking his medication.

I walk into the receptionist room and ask for Martha. She tells me I'd need to make an appointment and I exclaim that it wouldn't be reasonable. Martha knows me. As soon as I speak Zayn's name she tells me it'd be no problem and says to go right into Martha's room. I walk in to a smiling Martha and a hug to my greet.

"What's going on Lexi? Is there a problem with the voices again?" She concerns

"No not for me. But I'm afraid there might be with Zayn. I'm scared he's seeing them again."

"You know they're not your average voices and he knows this as well?"

"Yes. It's very clear now I mean we're able to touch them and carry on like they're alive. Sometimes they like to talk to other people in our lives. Some are good and some are well evil." I say

"Yes yes, good. You're coping with it well. Has Zayn been remaining his meditational responsibilities?"

"I think so yes. He started seeing them more after well I left..." I admit

"I see..it seems to me that you may be the reason or the strongest reason that he's ignored them all that time."


"Yes. But if you want we can give him a higher dosage of his medication."

"I'd much rather prefer that." I say

"Okay then, I'll write a prescription." She says writing and handing me a prescription

I take the prescription and before I start to leave she stops me.

"Look Lexi, there's ...let's just say be careful okay?"


"With Zayn. Be careful."

Voices: zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now