Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


He walked into the building of Davenport industries. He made his way up the stairs and began the trek to the fourth floor. The elevator was still broken. He then walked into the office he had become so accustomed to, the phone began to ring.

"Chase Davenport." He said just before he heard shuffling on the other side. He sighed, he knew who it was without even hearing the voice.

"Chase, why haven't you called me back?" She yelled on the other side.

"Danielle, I told you we are over. And never call me at work again." He said before he abruptly hung up the phone. Danielle was nothing to him. But yet she continued to call. Donald had insisted that he go out with her that night and then things spiraled out of control. His father was always trying to set him up. The owner of Davenport Industries should be married by twenty-four, he said. Yet the accuser himself wasn't married till he was thirty-two.

He had never been in a serious relationship, and running this business had left no time for him to try. Yes, when he was younger, he had wanted those things. To find someone to spend the rest of his life with. But dreams change. No one had caught his eye, ever. Yes, he liked women but no girl had ever made him stop and stare. He wanted to be taken back by this girl. But that had never, and probably would never happen.

"Sir, your nine thirty is here." Adam, his assistant stated as he walked into his office.

"Tell them I'm not ready. I need to find a new assistant so you can be promoted as we discussed." Chase said with a smile. Adam and Chase were best friends. Adam had been a very vital part of Davenport Industries with no recognition. Now, Chase was fixing that.

"Why thank you, Mr. Davenport. I'll be right on that." Adam said with a smirk as he walked out of the office. Chase decided to walk around the building until he came across something interesting. Davenport Industries happened to be huge. Come to think of it, he had never been on the top floor. That was his father's floor.

Donald Davenport was a very secretive man. But today, his elusive father just so happened to be out on business. Chase quietly weaved his way through the fourth floor. When he reached the private elevator that even he had yet to use, he put in the code he had watched his father punch in so many times. The doors slid open and Chase stepped inside. By now at least half the workers on the fourth floor had noticed his presence in the elevator, and knew, or could predictions what he was up to. He simply smirked back at them as the doors slid closed. Chase sighed as he felt the elevator moving. He looked down to his watch to see it was now ten o' clock. He had plenty of time to explore. There would always be time to find an assistant.

The doors opened automatically. Chase looked up from his watch only to have his mouth fall open. What was laid out in front of him, was truly amazing. There were super computers on either wall as you walked in. As you made your way further, the area expanded from a long hallway to almost like a living room area. There was expensive furniture expertly set around the room. Leave it to his father to hire only the best to move his furniture around. Along with that, there was a kitchen off to the right with state of the art appliances. Chase looked to his left to see his father's office. It had glass doors so you could see right in. He didn't dare step foot in there, knowing for a fact his father would notice. That, and you needed to scan your fingerprints to get in, but that was a minor detail.

Chase looked around for a few more minutes before he felt his phone buzz in his left pocket. Instantly, Chase pulled it out and unlocked his phone to see it was Adam.

"Chase Davenport, your loving and endearing boss. How can I help you?" Chase said with a sly smile and a polite tone as he made his way back to the elevator. He waited for Adam to match his tone back.

"Ah yes, Mr. Davenport. There are five lovely young women waiting down here for you." Adam said back mimicking his tone. Chase laughed as he let his mind wonder to the women downstairs waiting for him. Why were they here? Oh, wait.

"But Adam, why would they be here for me?" Chase asked in feign surprise. He knew exactly why women were lining up at his door.

"Why sir, don't you remember? You are in need of a new assistant." Adam finished for him. Chase stepped into the elevator preparing himself for what was to come. Interviews. Chase hated this part of being the boss. He hired and fired the working class. He was both loved, and hated because of this.

"Alright, I'll be down in a sec." Chase finished the conversation there. He pressed the button for the fourth floor then waited ever so patiently for the doors to again open. Why couldn't his father do some of those meaningless tasks that he had Chase take care of every day? Chase had lost count of how many people he had hired the past month.

"There you are sir. Are you ready to meet with the potential employees?" Adam asked as Chase stepped out of the elevator.

"Why yes, Adam. Lead the way if you will." It was almost like a game to them. See how long one another could keep up the act of polite professionalism. Chase smiled as he saw Adam thinking the same as he. Chase smirked as Adam led him to the door of his office. He knew for a fact Adam would crack first, he always did.

"Alright, go wait in your office and I'll start sending them in." Adam said breaking character. Chase laughed hearing the Adam he knew so well.

"Alright, thanks." Chase said as he headed in. He sat down at his large desk waiting for the knock that would signal the first interview was about to begin. As if on que, there was a knock.

"Yes, please come in." Chase called. He watched as the doorknob turned then sprang back up as the door slid open. But what Chase didn't expect to see, was a girl. But not just any girl, the one that was able to take his breath away. She was extremely beautiful. Chase couldn't find a flaw on her. Her hair was curled perfectly and her dress fit just the right way. Chase seemed to get lost in his thoughts as he watched this girl close the door and step farther into his office.

"Please, sit and tell me... What is your name?" Chase asked in the most professional tone he could. It took everything in him to not start flirting.

"Oh, sorry I always forget that. I'm never very good with introductions. My name is Bree. Bree Henderson." Bree said as she held out her hand to him. Chase took her hand in his, only noticing for the second their hands were together that they fit perfectly. Chase could already tell within the first moment he saw her. Bree Henderson, was going to cause him a lot of problems.


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