Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"Chase, we have to get this done." Donald said to his son as they sat out on the couches. They had been here since noon and it was now 8 o' clock. Chase rolled his eyes up at his father

"Dad! Can't we just finish this tomorrow?" Chase asked hopefully. His father had kept him here against his will. Chase was sick and tired of picking up he mess of paperwork his father left behind only for him to sign it later. Chase shook his head as Donald glared down at him.

"Have I not told you how important this is? And, minor fact here, it's due... TOMORROW!" Donald yelled as he settled himself back into he couch. Chase scoffed at his father's procrastination. Donald looked up at his son.

"What was that?" Donald asked, testing his son. Chase smirked.

"I was just thinking about how you always do this. Waiting until the last minute to do the paperwork for presentations and roping me into helping you. I do so much paperwork anyway, dad. Why do I have to do this too?" Chase groaned as he looked over at the pile on the table. Hey still had about 80 pages to go through and had to each sign about 20 of them.

"Because, like it or not, this company is yours as well. I'm sorry that I supposedly 'always do this' but I need help some times, too. If you ever need help with paperwork, then I will help you. For now, just keep going and I will order your favorite kind of pizza." Donald bribed as he looked down to see his son smile slightly. Just like the old days. When Chase and Donald were just starting the business and had no other workers, they would pull all nighters all the time. Then again, that was before the business. That was before Donald got married and before Chase had a girlfriend. Bree. Chase smiled as he let his mind fall to her. He loved her, and she loved him back. It almost seemed too good to be true. Chase sighed and looked up to his father.

"Fine. Pizza sounds great. And the faster we get this done..." Chase left off. Donald laughed.

"The faster we can get back to Tasha and Bree."


Chase let his eyes open quickly as he heard something off in the hallway. He squinted as he looked down the hallway only to see nothing. He shook his head and glanced down at his watch. He let his head fall back as he realized they had fallen asleep and it was now midnight. Well, 15 past midnight. Chase groaned and stood up, making his way to his father who was practically passed out on the couch.

"Dad? Dad wake up. We fell asleep." Chase mumbled as he shook Donald's shoulder. Donald mumbled as he tried his hardest to stay asleep. Chase chuckled as he watched his dad slowly but surely come to wake up.

"Oh, right. We better get the plans done. Come on. We'll only be here five more minutes and then we can go home." Donald said as he ushered Chase back to the back room. Chase nodded before stopped abruptly outside the bathroom.

"Give me a minute." Chase called as he began to make his way into the bathroom. Chase waited in the doorway for his father's answer. Chase began to tap his foot as he waited impatiently. He really didn't need to use the bathroom, he just wanted a chance to wake up before jumping right back into the plans and paperwork they had to do before the presentation.

"Okay. But just a minute. We're so close to leaving I can almost taste it." Donald said happily. Chase laughed.

"This place is like a house. What would be the problem with staying here?" Chase asked. His father laughed back.

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