Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"I can not believe that they want us to speak at the conference." Donald groaned as he put on his tie. Chase chuckled to himself.

"Well we are the best replacement. I think that they should have just scheduled us to speak in the first place." Chase replied as he placed his key and phone in his pocket while Donald finally accomplished tying his tie.

"Alright. Let's get this over with." Donald announced. Chase laughed and followed his father out into the hallway. Truth be told, they each had no idea what they would be speaking about. Chase smirked as he saw his father stop at the end of the hall. Donald looked from side to side as his hands flew to rest on either wall.

"We go down." Chase said with a smile. Donald shook his head and turned worriedly to Chase.

"No, it's not that. We have to get out of here." Donald whispered. He began to race down the steps and into the lobby where the entire science community was waiting. Donald continued to run of of the building, leaving the concussed faces behind him. Chase shook his head and followed his father.

"Dad!" Chase called as Donald stopped just outside the hotel, waiting for him.

"Chase, come on! It's about to start!" Donald yelled as he moved forward and father away from the hotel. Chase rolled his eyes and ran after his father.

"Dad! What is going on?" Chase yelled as they stopped in the center of the parking lot. The other guests of the hotel began to walk outside, wondering what the Davenport's were doing. Donald looked around worriedly.

"Seriously! Why are we out here?" Chase asked. The ground started to shake just as Chase finished his sentence. Chase's eyes widened as he looked to his father.

"Earthquake!" Someone yelled from the hotel. Chase glanced back to see people ducking for cover as he and his father simply stood out in the middle of nowhere.

"Shouldn't we go somewhere?" Chase yelled over the quake. Donald shook his head.

"It's safest out here-" Donald was cut off by the sound of something breaking above them. Chase looked up to see the sign for the hotel was falling as they spoke.

"Dad!" Chase yelled as he reached for his fathers hand, dragging him away. They ran as fast as they could. At the last second, they dove into the concrete to get away. They landed with a thud as the sign hit just feet away from them. Donald cried as the aftershock threw a pice of the sign up and onto his leg. Chase jumped up and tried to pull the edge of the sign off of his father. The earthquake suddenly came to a stop just as Chase was able to lift the sign off of his father. Donald curled into a ball, leaving what Chase assumed to he his now broken leg out in front of him. Chase took out his phone and dials 911.

"911, please state your emergency."

"It's my dad. I think his leg is broken."

"We're sending someone right now."


"Bree! Where was Chase staying?" Briley yelled from the living room. Bree frowned in confusion as she walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in her hand. Briley and Bree had fallen asleep watching a movie last night, so she ended up spending the night at her sisters.

"San Francisco. Why?" Bree asked as she took a seat on the couch and handed her sister a bowl of cereal. Briley shoved the bowl away from her and pointed to the tv.

"There was just an earthquake there." Briley said, barely above a whisper. Bree stopped. She stopped everything. The second she heard those words, her heart stopped.


He could be hurt... Or worse.

"Was there anyone hurt?" Bree shrieked as she stood up and placed the bowl on the coffee table along with her sister's. Briley shook her head and simply pointed to the tv again.

"They haven't said yet." Briley whispered. Bree shook her head and sat down. That was all she could do. Watch the television as he sister had said. They each watched intently as the story unfolded on the screen. Bree suddenly felt so far away from Chase. They were barely an hour way from each other. But it felt like a lifetime since she had seen him. In reality, it had only been twenty four hours.

"We have just received news that one of the famous Davenport scientists are being loaded into an ambulance. The hotel where an annual tech conference was worst hit by the earthquake. At least fifty were hurt here. No one has been confirmed dead." The news caster recited. Bree's eyes began watering as she let the name Davenport replay in her head. It couldn't be Chase. But in a reality, she knew he would take a hit for his dad any day. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and tried calling him. The ring tone played and played before she was left with the familiar voicemail recording. She shook her head and called Adam as well.

"Bree?" Adam questioned as he answered the phone.

"Adam, are you watching?" Bree asked.

"I was, now I'm headed out there. Just for the forewarning, you better be at your apartment, and ready to go in an hour. You're coming with me."


"Listen, Chase. If this is the end-"

"Dad. You broke your leg. You are just gong in for surgery. You. Are. Not. Dying." Chase stated simply. He smiled and patted his son's cheek before he fell unconscious. Chase laughed quietly to himself as he took a seat in the waiting room. His father would be in surgery for about two hours. Chase closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. It had only been half an hour since the quake. Now, Chase was sitting there, by himself, waiting for his father to come out of surgery. Chase sighed as one thought lingered in his mind. now he would have to do the conference by himself. He shook his head and took out his phone.

One missed call.

Chase clicked on the contact and called the number without even checking who it was.

"Chase! Are you okay?" Bree asked worriedly. Chase smiled as he heard her voice.

"Chasey! You got Chase on the phone?" Adam yelled. Chase frowned in confusion.

Why was Bree with Adam?

"Yeah, I'm fine. But my dad broke his leg. We're at the Los Angeles hospital." Chase replied. Bree sighed on the other end of the phone.

"Thank god! I mean... I'm sorry that your dad is hurt, but-"

"Bree, it's okay. I'm happy I'm okay, too."


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