Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Bree shook her head as she walked down the hall to he elevator and hit the button. Chase and his father were discussing things in the back room. As the doors slid open, she hit the ground floor button without giving it a second thought. Usually, seeing Marcus twice in one day would be too much, but in this case, she had to. When did she decide that she was going to get him the plans in a week? And now they had even less time. Donald found out, and he wants to release their's a day before. Bree sighed as she reached the ground floor. She hurried out of the building and to her car. As she got into her car, she got a text.

I need to see you.

Bree rolled her eyes as she started the car. Greenberg Enterprises was surprisingly close to Davenport Industries despite the fact that they were rivals. Bree parked and slowly made her way upstairs. The staff smirked her way as she walked towards Marcus' office.

"Bree?" Marcus called from behind her. Bree twirled around to see her boss looking down at her worriedly. She frowned as he basically pushed her into the office.

"What?" She whispered as she followed him to the desk. He shook his head and set down the papers before turning to Bree.

"So you got my text? I didn't expect you to come right after I sent it." Marcus said simply as he gestured for them to sit on the couch in the corner of his office. Bree followed and sat down next to Marcus before answering.

"Yeah well, you didn't really give me much of a choice. How much time did you expect to give me to get the plans?" Bree asked. Marcus shrugged.

"About two weeks? Why?" Marcus asked worriedly. He sat up abruptly from his relaxed spot on the couch and faced Bree head on.

"Because you have a press conference next week where you're revealing your latest project. Donald Davenport thought you were going to release the bionic chip." Bree explained. Marcus' eyes widened.

"No, no, no... He can't do that! You have to get me those plans and I have to move up the conference! Bree, I will triple your already increased pay if you can do this, just please." Marcus pleaded as he held his head in his hands. Bree stared down at her boss incredulously as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, okay. But like I said, I don't care about the money. I just want all of this to be over." Bree stated simply as she rose from her spot. She wanted all of this to be over. Marcus sighed and stood up. He slowly walked over to Bree and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Look, Bree. I want all of this to be over just as much as you do. I hate having to keep you in this limbo state, wondering whether or not you're doing the right thing." Marcus whispered as he heard voices just outside of his door. They both knew for a fact that the workers were hanging on every word.

"Then why keep it going? You don't have to do this. You're smart enough to come up with another amazing technology that will revolutionize the world." Bree asked skeptically. Marcus dropped his hand off Bree's shoulder as he heard those words.

"I can't. My dad wants to be the ones to come up with the bionic chip. We had a lead on it, but combined, Chase and Donald are smarter than us. They were able to jump ahead. I hate that we can't be known for our own stuff, but this is just the way of the business world. I didn't mean to bring you into it though, Bree." Marcus whispered. Bree smiled up at Marcus. She suddenly felt the urge to hug him. She felt bad that she had hated him this whole time. She knew that there was more to the story but she never bothered to go deeper. With Chase, it had just come so easily that she never questioned getting to know him. Bree threw caution to the wind as she reached up and hugged him. Marcus stiffened at first, but then eased into it. He wrapped his arms around Bree's waist until Bree pulled away.

"Thank you Bree." Marcus said as he began to walk towards the door.

"For what?" Bree asked. She followed closely. Marcus stopped and placed his hand on the handle before turning just far enough to see Bree's face.

"For understanding. You didn't have to stay, you could have quit by now. Even though I was threatening you, and you could have left me sitting in my own thoughts just now. But you listened. That means a lot to me." Marcus finished. Bree smiled as Marcus opened the door to reveal the majority of the staff were huddled in the break room. She shook her head and watched as Marcus waved and walked back down the hall towards his father's office. Bree smile to herself as she made her way back out of the building.

"Bree!" Marcus called as he ran back towards her. She turned to face him with a smile as he stopped right in front of her.

"What's up?" Bree asked in a teasing tone. She had suddenly become comfortable with him. He smiled.

"I forgot something." Marcus said. He slowly leaned in towards Bree's check and kissed her lightly before pulling away and walking back. Bree stood there while the workers walked past, smirking again. But this time, instead of glaring back, she smiled. Bree lifted her fingers to where Marcus' lips had been and continued to smile as she walked out of the building. Then, she caught herself. .

Did Marcus just kiss me? What would Chase do when he found out? And most importantly... Did I like Marcus?


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