Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Thank you. We'll see you at the conference." Chase said as he hung up. He sighed. He hasn't been able to concentrate all day. Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." Chase called. The door opened slowly to reveal the very person that had occupied his thoughts all day.

"Make it quick Bree. I've got a lot to do." Chase bit out. Bree looked hurt as she heard his words.

"It will take more than a quick talk Chase." Bree started. Chase looked up to see the tears already drying on her face. Chase looked worriedly up at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he came over. Bree shook her head and motioned for him to sit back down. He moved back down to his desk as she stayed where she was.

"You hate me. You think that I only dated you for Marcus. And to top it all off... We kissed this morning." Bree whispered. Chase back up and fell against his desk as he heard those words. Chase felt like someone had punched him in the stomach, like all the air had been knocked out of him.

"You kissed him?" Chase hissed as he let his mind wander to his Bree, and Marcus. Bree barely nodded.

"Technically he kissed me. I was so upset about you though, I know that isn't an excuse, but I kissed him back because it made me forget about how I was hurting you. I love you so much Chase. I'm in love with you, and I've been crying all night and morning because of how I've treated you. I got myself into this though, and if you never want to see me again... I'll leave, both you and Marcus, and neither of you will see me again." Bree finished. She began sobbing about halfway through her speech. Chase sighed as he looked up to her. He couldn't bear to lose her, to never see her again. But he also felt like he couldn't trust her again. He had to do this.

"Look, Bree. I love you so much. But after all of this... I don't think I will ever be able to trust you again. I think it would be for the best if we just..." Bree nodded as Chase left off. He didn't have the gumption to come out and say it. Chase felt himself nod as he went back to work. He had to keep a straight face, act as if this wasn't affecting him. Act as if he was willing to lose Bree forever.

"Chase?" Bree whispered. Chase looked up with sadness in his eyes.

"What?" He stated, the bitterness evident in his voice. He got up and walked around his desk to face Bree head on. Something must be wrong, either that or she wasn't able to say everything she wanted to.

"I'll miss you and... I'll never forget about you." Bree said just above a whisper. Chase smiled as she began to walk out of the office.

"I won't forget about you either." He whispered as she shut the door. Chase could hear her take a breath before packing up her things.

Everything had been going so well. Why did she had to work for Marcus? Chase fell hard for her. He was so in love with Bree it hurt. It hurt so bad to watch her leave. He looked out the window to see Adam talking to Bree. He frowned as he watched Adam help her with her boxes. What could they be talking about? Soon enough, Adam was hugging Bree. Chase could feel the jealousy coming over him.

Stop it!

You told her to walk away. You told her that it was for the best. You have no right to be jealous about her hugging your best friend, who just so happens to be married. He saw Bree look over as she pulled away from Adam. Slowly but surely, Adam looked over to him and went back to Bree. She smiled and nodded before getting into her car and driving away. Chase sighed and Adam made his way back into the building. Chase closed his eyes and sat back down at his desk. There was another knock. He sighed, he knew exactly who was on the other side of the door.

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