Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


"Bree! Wake up! I'm getting married in like... Six hours!" Briley screeched from the bathroom. Bree opened her eyes just enough to see the whole house was lit up by sunlight. Of course her sister had to open every window in the house. Bree pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time.

Eight o clock. Perfect.

Bree sat up straight and looked around to see Briley had turned the apartment into a wedding prep room. She laughed to herself as she stood up. She had her dress at her own apartment.

"Bri, I have to go back to my apartment! I left my dress at home. I'll be back in half an hour!" Bree yelled as she left. She could head Briley shuffling after her. Bree smiled slightly at the thought of her sister tripping over he own feet trying to run after her.

"Breel" Briley yelled as she threw herself out the door wearing only a robe and slippers. Her hair was sticking up off of one side but perfectly straight on the other. Bree laughed at her sister as she stomped down the hall towards her.

"What?" Bree asked innocently. Briley glared back at her.

"Get back here quickly. We only have a little bit before the wedding." Briley ordered. Bree nodded.

"I know, I'll be back before you know it." Bree finished before she waved to her sister and turned the corner. She walked calmly down the stairs to the parking lot. As she walked to her car, she saw someone standing next to it. She frowned and quickened her pace to the car.

"Hey?" Bree called as she approached her vehicle. The mystery man turned to reveal her favorite acquaintance.

"Hello to you, too. How's my best friend's ex girlfriend today?" He asked slyly as he leaned against her car. Bree shook her head.

"I'm fine. How are you?" Bree asked Adam sarcastically. Adam smiled slightly before he took on a more serious tone.

"The conference is today." Adam stated simply. Bree nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, and my sisters wedding is today." Bree added.

"And... The church is right next door to-"

"To the location of the conference? It's like you and Briley are in cahoots." Bree finished for him. He laughed to himself before he took a step forward.

"I don't think this whole 'break thing' is a good idea." Adam started. Bree knew there was an ulterior motive for him to come. He wouldn't just come to say hi to her at her sister's apartment, at eight in the morning, for no good reason.

"I think it is. Chase doesn't trust me, and until he does, we won't be seeing each other." Bree replied.

"No. But Chase will never trust you if you don't keep trying. He will never see how you really are, if he never gets to know you. Did you two even know each other that well before?" Adam wondered aloud. Bree scoffed. Of course her and Chase knew each other better than Adam thought... Did they?

"We totally know each other." Bree hissed back at Adam. Adam's eyebrows rose in amusement.

"What's his favorite color?" Adam asked. Bree glared back up at her taller friend.

"How cliché is that?" Bree countered. Adam smiled.

"You can't answer it can you?" Adam finished with a smirk.

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