Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Chase sat back dumbfounded. Why on earth would he hire the girl who was enough to distract him through the other four interviews? Well, there was the fact that he was distracted through the other four interviews. But, there was also the fact that Chase wasn't sure he was willing to never see this girl again. If he didn't hire her, he might not be able to get that feeling in the pit of his stomach that makes him both nervous, and excited. Chase sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. This was not good. He swore that he would never get attached to a girl like her. Much less have these feelings. Bree seemed different, though. Unlike most girls who he'd met, she didn't seem intimidated by his wealth, or by the power of the company. She treated him normal, which he liked. But that's besides the fact. His father would never approve of having a relationship with an employee, if she even wanted to date him in the first place.

Chase leaned back in his chair and opened up his laptop to see email upon email, all still waiting to be opened. Chase looked up to see his best friend waltzing into his office. Adam took the chair in front of the huge desk Chase had at the center of the room. It just so happened to be the one Bree had taken earlier.

"So, do you like any of them?" Adam asked directly, getting right to the point. Chase sighed.

"Well, yes and no." Chase said with a worried face. Adam sat up, instantly becoming more alert.

"What do you mean, yes and no? I specifically found the five best secretary slash assistants in California. You have to like one of them." Adam ranted as Chase stood up and began to pace back and forth. He stopped and put his hand down on his desk in front of Adam.

"That's the problem! I do like one of them. I just might, like her too much." Chase said, hinting subtly at every word he said.

"Oh, now I get it. It was the first girl, Bree. Wasn't it?" Adam said with a smile. Oh how he knew Chase too well.

"How did you know?" Chase asked, taken back a little. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well you seemed distracted every time I came in after you met with her, and you were fine before. I just kind of figured." Adam said simply.

"Well you're right. Bree did have me distracted. I don't know whether I should hire her or not." Chase explained as he ran his mind back over the possible outcomes.

"I think you should hire her. She's the most qualified, and you would get to see her everyday." Adam replied with a smirk. Chase glared back at him.

"That's just it! If I see her everyday, I don't know if I'll be able to control myself." Chase said lowly. He looked up from the ground to see a smile on his friend's face.

"Maybe you won't need to control yourself." Adam suggested. Chase frowned trying to see how his friend's plan would work.

"What do you mean?" Chase asked as he took his seat again.

"I mean, if she likes you, go for it. I can cover if you two are in here, and you of all people can keep it a secret. If she doesn't though, come up with some excuse about why you have to fire her. You've done it enough times before." Adam explained.

"I know how to fire people, Adam. But how do I know if she likes me? I mean, I don't want to come onto her only to find out she hates me or something." Chase asked.

"There's a five step process for that." Adam assured his friend before continuing.

"First step: Be her friend, but don't get friend zoned. To counteract this, there is step two: flirt. But be subtle, just something little will do the trick. Step three, show her that you are different. Let her get to know you. Step four, something romantic. Get her flowers, or chocolate or something cliche. And finally, step five. Ask her out, because by this time, you know whether or not she likes you back." Adam finished. Chase had to admit, it was a good plan.

"Alright. I guess I'll give it a try. I'm going to call her and let her know she got the job." Chase said, motioning for Adam to leave. Adam nodded and walked out. Chase sighed, knowing already, he was nervous for the call. He took out his phone and punched in her number before holding the phone to his ear warily.

"Hey, this is Bree." Bree said as she answered. Chase took a deep breath.

"Hi, this is Chase Davenport. I just wanted to let you know you got the job. You start tomorrow." Chase said. He heard a squeal on the other side of the phone and smiled.

"Oh my gosh, thank you! I won't let you down. Should I come to your office tomorrow?" Bree asked.

"Yes, at nine am sharp. Not a moment later." Chase said, trying to sound as professional as possible. The real work of getting her to like him, would start tomorrow.

"Alright, I won't be late. I'll find something that will look professional." Bree said sounding lost in thought. Chase let his mind wonder to the things she could possibly wear, but he quickly had to get back on topic.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." Chase said ending the conversation abruptly.

"Okay... Bye, Mr. Davenport." Bree said, sounding a little let down. Chase sighed.

"Please, call me Chase."


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