Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


"Chase, I need to speak with you." Chase's father said simply as he walked into his office. Chase's smile faltered as he looked to Bree who had been sitting in front of him. After last night, which Bree had ended up spending at his house, they had got to work this morning pretending to be in a meeting. Chase looked over to see Bree had begun to leave.

"We'll continue this later." Chase said in a professional tone. Bree nodded.

"I'll be waiting, Mr. Davenport." Bree said with a small smile as she left the office.

"Why don't we move this to my floor." Donald said as he motioned for Chase to follow. Chase nodded as he trailed his father to the elevator. He smiled over at Adam who had a look of fear for his best friend. Chase turned back to see his father waiting for him at the elevator. He picked up the pace as he made it to the elevator just in time. Lets just say, Donald Davenport doesn't hold elevators, not even for his son. The two stood silently as they waited for the elevator to stop at the top floor. Chase sighed as his father stepped out of the elevator first and made his way over the living area.

"Sit down Chase, this is important." Donald said. He motioned for his son to sit on the large couch that Bree had taken days ago. He had to play this cool. He couldn't let his father know about any of this.

"What is it?" Chase asked with an uncertainty to his voice. Donald sighed as he leaned against the far wall.

"Chase. I happen to see things. You do realize I'm not completely stupid right? I see the way you look at her. Then, it wasn't even until today, I saw the way she looks at you. So, I guess I'm asking, is there anything going on between you two? And you can't lie, I've seen to much already." Donald continued his interrogation. He made his way slowly across the room to where his son was sitting on the couch. He took a seat on the table right in front of Chase.

Chase couldn't breath. The room felt like it was closing in. He knows. He knows and he doesn't like it. He doesn't even know anything about Bree though. He judging her before he gets to know her.

"Dad, like I have said before, there is nothing going on. Whatever you're seeing, is probably just the start of a friendship. If there is feelings there, I wouldn't know. I don't think I feel anything for her." Chase answered. He kept his voice steady as he lied to his father. There were so many feelings that Chase couldn't even keep track of his own. All he knew, was last night was the best of his life. He had Bree, whether it was secret or not. That was all he wanted. Now he was risking the business for her, and his father didn't like it.

"Chase, I told you not to lie. You do realize how his could come back on us right? She's your assistant, Chase. When this gets out to the public-"

"What makes you think that there is anything to get out? I told you, there's nothing going on. Why won't you believe me?" Chase yelled back as he stood up. Donald's face took a serious tone.

"Chase, I'm your father. I know when your lying. The only thing is, you're usually able to get away with it in terms of the press, but this time is different." Donald tried to reason with his son. He reached behind him to pick up the latest issue of CEO's monthly. He stood up and handed it to Chase.

Chase looked down at the front cover. He never knew he would end up on the cover of the magazine, he wasn't even officially CEO yet. He studied the page trying to figure out where Bree and he were at this moment. Then, it hit him. They were coming out of the alley. That was the moment that Bree had told him she wanted to get to know him. She was holding his hand as she looked back to him. Somehow, someone had gotten this picture and now the entire business world thought he was having an affair with his assistant. This was not good.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. I can usually control things like this-" Chase said, trying to justify his actions.

"All you had to do was stay at that conference! No one would have even gotten the chance to get this picture. Now, I want you to be honest with me. Are you, or are you not, seeing Bree? Your assistant." Donald asked in more of a statement than a question. Chase began to pace as he thought through his answer. He had to pick his words carefully.

"Yes, yes I am. I like Bree. And last night... We made it official." Chase said. He stopped to look to his father for his reaction. Donald looked taken back. Chase had never done anything like this before.

"Chase, what do you mean by official?" Donald asked after a long pause. Chase stopped playing with his hands as the let them fall to his sides.

"I mean official. We..." Chase left off. Donald nodded knowingly.

"Well, this needs to stop before it gets even more out of hand. You do know how-"

"Oh yes. I know how this looks. But the only thing is, Dad, all of these accusations are true. I have nothing to go against them with. Even it you made Bree and I break up, there's no denying the fact that we were together. Especially after last night. Things are different now. Things are out of hand." Chase yelled. Donald looked over to his son before adding to the conversation.

"Well then. All I have to say is one thing. You have two options. You can break up with her, and lie. Lie your ass off if you have to, but we had to make this go away. The other option, is you give up Davenport Industries, and it will go to Leo." Davenport said with certainty.

"But Leo is your stepson! You can't just do that! It will cause more disruption than I have already!" Chase yelled as his father massaged his temples. Donald sighed.

"It might have that affect, but, that's what will be needed to cover up your, stupid, mistake. We can't get involved with our employees Chase. It's a dangerous game, and you knew exactly what you were getting into in the first place."


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