Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


"Come on Bree! Do you seriously think that this is where it's going to end?" Briley asked as Bree threw herself down on the couch of her sister's apartment. Bree nodded and covered her face with a pillow. She had lost count of how many times she had cried in the past week. Too many too be exact.


"No! I'm done with this! I can't keep goin back and forth. I love him, and he loves me, but I had to go and screw everything up! I should have quit when everything got to complicated. The I wouldn't have to deal with all of this. Love is to complicated, if that's even what I can call it." Bree rambled as she sat up straight. Briley sighed and sat down on the coffee table in front of her sister.

"Brett almost broke up with me." Briefly spit out. Bree's eyes widened as her sister hung her head low.

"Briley!" Bree shrieked.

"He got mad because he knew I was keeping a secret from him, so he said either I told him, or it was over." Briley continued. Bree followed on every word.

"What secret were you keeping?" Bree asked.

"That I was pregnant. I thought it would be a nice surprise after we got married, but he apparently thought otherwise." Briley finished. Bree frowned in sorrow for her sister.

"Did you tell him?" Bree asked warily. Briley nodded.

"He was upset at first. I actually slept here last night instead of at his place. But he called me about half an hour before you came over and told me he couldn't be happier." Briley said. Bree smiled happily as she stood to bring her sister into a hug.

"So everything's okay?" Bree asked. Briley shook her head.

"Oh no. We still have the wedding tomorrow, and you, my lovely sister, do not have a date. We need to find Chase-"

"No, we don't. Like I said. We need time apart... Unless that was it. Then I guess it was fun while we lasted." Bree mumbled. Briley rolled her eyes at her sisters dramatics.

"Please! You two are perfect for each other! No doubt about it." Briley said with a smile.

"You don't even know him." Bree countered. Briley shrugged.

"I don't need to. He seems to tick you off and keep you happy at the same time. Seems perfect to me." Briley assured. Bree rolled her eyes.

"Let's just get some sleep, and get you ready for the wedding tomorrow." Bree stated simply. Briley nodded and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch for Bree. She had gotten a taxi back from San Francisco and had gotten back about ten minutes ago.

"Bree?" Briley asked as she stopped in the doorway of her bedroom. Bree turned to face her sister.

"Yeah?" Bree asked.

"You do realize that this little conference your boyfriend is having, just so happens to be right next door to the church I'm getting married at?" Briley finished with a smile. Bree closed her eyes and threw her head back. It was almost like fate was continually pushing them together. And Bree didn't know if she minded it or not.


Chase took a deep breath as he pushed his father into the house. Tasha and Leo followed the two business partners with their luggage from the trip. Donald sighed as he saw the couch. He had missed the comforts of home.

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