Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Briley smiled brightly as she looked up to see her dazzling boyfriend of two years standing just feet away from her. Bree shook her head and poked Briley in the side. She was forgetting something.

"Oh, sorry." Briley whispered as she handed Bree the bouquet. Bree laughed to herself as she walked over to join the rest of the bridesmaids. Briley sighed and made her way to the top of the stairs where the alter was set up. Brett smiled happily down to her before she took a look around the room. Everyone was here for her and Brett. She couldn't ask for more.

"We are gathered here today, to witness the marriage between Briley Henderson, and Brett Smith." The minister started. Bree smiled as she watched the two lovebirds stare deep into each others eyes. She hoped that one day she and Chase would look this happy.


He was giving his presentation now. Bree had purposely moved it to Monday at two, thinking that they would still be fighting. Which in a way, they were. Bree shuttered at the though of losing him today. She had assumed that they would make up. She had let herself ignore the obvious other option. Adam had made it seem as though nothing could go wrong today. Somehow, Bree had let it slip her mind that the church and the conference were each held right next door to each other. At least she had been able to see him momentarily. Bree had seen the way he looked at her as Adam given her the keys to his car. She saw the way he watched her as she ran off with Adam. She had hoped it would be that way.

"Do you, Briley Henderson, take Brett Smith, to be you're loftily wedded husband?" The minister asked. Briley nodded vigorously.

"I do." She answered. Bree frowned to herself as she realized she had tuned out the entire ceremony. Briley had been crying the whole time.

"And do you, Brett Smith, take Briley Henderson, as your loftily wedded wife?"

"I do." Brett answered immediately.

"I now pronounce you, husband, and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister said as he optioned between the now married couple. He stepped back as Brett took one step forward and wrapped his arms around Briley. He carefully dipped her back before placing his lips to hers. Bree clapped along with the rest of the crowd as they each stood up straight and waved.

"I now give you for the first time ever, Mr. And Mrs. Brett Smith." The minister finished. The happy couple made their way back down the isle and out back along with the rest of the wedding party. Bree and the best man were the first to follow.

"Hey, that was cool of you to walk your sister down the isle." He whispered as they stepped outside.

"Thanks. She'd do it for me, too. What's your name?" Bree asked. He smiled.

"I'm Brett's brother, Greg. And you're Bree. Brett pointed you out earlier when you came around." Greg explained. Bree blushed at the mention of her job from Briley. It wasn't exactly her idea to go looking to see if her now brother in law was looking okay.

"Well, that was actually Briley's idea so..." Bree left off with a smile. Bree frowned as she looked over to see Adam waving her over. She smiled as she began to wak away from Greg.

"Wait! Do you know that guy?" Greg asked as he caught her by the arm. Bree nodded.

"Yeah, he's my... Well, he's a friend of mine." Bree said. Greg nodded warily.

"Is he more than a friend?" Greg asked, sounding defeated. Bree shook her head.

"No, he's actually the friend of my... More than a friend." Bree explained. Greg nodded and turned on his heel. Bree rolled her eyes. Most guys only talked with her because they wanted to date, not because they wanted to be friends. She turned and walked over to Adam who was waiting impatiently for her.

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